I assume this also applies to theclaud's comment on pubrunner's internet bust up.
It was going off at a bit of tangent Iagree, but not completely irrelevant to the subject.
I have long started to think that equality is part of the problem. I remember reading in the local government chronicle ages ago that what was usually regard as a looney left council was banning certain sexist expressions from use, including the weaker sex. The is from the new testament (likewise you husbands, live considerably with your wives, bestowing honour on the woman as the weaker sex). Now you can ban the expression, but you cannot ban the underlying truth of it, that men and women are not equal, certainly when it comes to physical strength, and possibly emotionally as well.
Is one of the problems that men are starting to treat women as men? No need to be chivalrous any more, that's old fashioned. Instead of bestowing honour what we should now do is fight it out with the women as your equal.
It is coincidence, but the very next post from Paley was this:
Men and women don't think the same way. Men initiate, women respond. Wouldn't it be better if you want at least to restrain the mistreatment of women by men that you taught men that they have a greater responsibility in this than women, that an inequality exists and should not be seen as something to take advantage of?
Thankyou for your call from the eighteenth century .
(To paraphrase the Claude)
Nope it was directly in response to
your post.
Where you were trying to bring the gender debate into a conversation about stopping men being violent to women.
Yes indeed men do have total responsibility to to control both their own behaviours , and I'd like to think also the behaviours of their fellow men, so that all women..
all women not just ones like me, get to play a full part in society, have full freedom to participate, free from fear of violence or abuse.
That would be excellent, now go sort it out..
I have no idea what all this 'chivalrous' stuff is about.
Just treat all humans as human, with respect, don't try to control them , or own them, or direct them, through fear, or power imbalances etc etc.
We all need to look after each other , particularly the 'weaker' and disadvantaged in society .
The fact that men are 'on average' physically stronger than the average woman, should play no part in it.
Emotionally stronger ??
You're having a laugh right.??
Now account for all the fragiled ego'ed guys ..
Fwiw I could probably trounce 3/4 of the guys here in a physical fight..
But that's just genetics and the fact that I have a very physical job
Doesn't give me the right to consider myself superior though does it..??
I'm just physically strong..
Big deal
A bullock is stronger than any of us .
Do we put them in in charge of all the things??