You do now, even if only virtually.
Thirty-eight years say you’re wrong.
Congrats etc.
Its very possible @unkrauts survey pool, and even sources of reading material are
somewhat skewed towards a confirming bias.
I know of plenty of long term relationships, mine own included where the woman took the initiative.
Whether you really wanted a reply only got through on a 52% to 48% majority.
Conversation between friends humourously reminiscing about how they got together: him - I was afraid to ask her out in case she said no, her - 'why won't he ask me out'. Why didn't she ask him out as a modern equal woman? I remember being amused at that at the time.
When people get engaged, who pops the question? I don't know anybody where is wasn't him. Is this just a tradition, with 29th February as the exception? Or something designed or 'hardwired' as even some evolutionists propose (although I am not sure about the latter as it would imply purpose, which is inadmissible in evolution).
Blogger I used to read quoting secular Mrs Professor in the NY Times (? whatever) lamenting the fact that despite all the newly won equality between male and female students, all nicely regulated and enshrined in law, when it came to personal relationships the girls still waited for the boys to take the initiative. This was nothing at all to do with religion. It would certainly appear that modern attempts to obliterate all distinctions aren't having much of an effect, at least yet. Such attempts won't survive first year medical school!
It's hardly surprising that modern sophisticated people of the 21th century who have ditched religion and have science and reason are living in a delusional fog where they no longer know the meaning of words like mother or father, son or daughter. No wonder relationships fall apart.
I think it's to do with the circles you circulate in
I know of lots of solid relationships initiated by women.
Thankfully we're not
all susceptible to the same social conditioning. But it takes a while for these entrenched 'norms' to shift.
there are plenty of people of no religious faith who are living in healthy long term relationships, a good few on here by the looks of things.
Whereas conversely there are plenty of very unhealthy relationships where religion
is present.
Having a religious faith. isnt much of a guarantee, either way, it wouldn't seem.
is used by many people to justify some awful behaviours though.
There's all kinds of messed up thinking that has men as being 'dominant' and controlling. Controlling by violence, or threat of violence often.
How many serial killers have claimed they were 'instructed by God' to carry out their crimes..
Relationships 'fall apart' or in many cases come to a natural end, for all sorts of reasons.
Thankfully we've (largely) done away with the stigma of divorce, so people aren't
forced to carry on in relationships which are making them miserable.
It used to be the case that abused spouses were just expected to shut up, and put up, keep up appearances to avoid a 'scandal' .
'delusional fog' about the 'meaning of words' or having ditched religion for science and reason, are often factors, in relationship breakdown though.?
I'd be interested to know where that idea arises, or any evidence for it.
Whilst women have equality in law in the west at least, we still socialise boys and girls in different ways. Girls are socialised to value themselves by how much men are attracted to them, but conversely not to pursue men because that makes them appear 'loose'. Boys are socialised to compete for partners and take the initiative, whilst society judges them by the number of partners they can or can't attract.
It's a lose-lose situation for both sides. I'm not sure more religion would help. It's social conditioning and a messed up society that causes it, not a lack of equality per se.
This whole idea of 'pursuit and conquest' of woman by man is part of the problem, imo
It can quickly become harassment and worse.
Ideas put about in film and other media make it worse.
That women's 'value' is defined by a mans opinion.
Impressionable minds, getting their 'sex ed' via violent pornography.. Yuck.
'more religion' isn't going to cure that.
Education on respect for self and others, is more likely to help.
That's to do with being decent humans though, not religious directives from on high.