"In this way, the feminist-led movement against domestic violence over the past half-century has much to teach us. In heterosexual relationships, men’s use of violence is not as much impulsive as it is rooted in a belief system in which their needs come first. They use force, or the threat of it, to gain or maintain a woman’s compliance, or to punish her for transgressing against his authority."
This article about the Jan 6th insurrection, lays out so much of what is problematic, (and often ignored) with hyper or toxic masculinity .
It's what is present in so many other populist or authoritarian 'leaders' such as Bolsanaro, Modi, and most lethally right now Putin.
It's all the same 'might is right' and self justified use of power and strength to subjugate, control, and exploit ...
How do we 'fight back' without falling to violent means ourselves??
This article about the Jan 6th insurrection, lays out so much of what is problematic, (and often ignored) with hyper or toxic masculinity .
It's what is present in so many other populist or authoritarian 'leaders' such as Bolsanaro, Modi, and most lethally right now Putin.
It's all the same 'might is right' and self justified use of power and strength to subjugate, control, and exploit ...
How do we 'fight back' without falling to violent means ourselves??