I suppose he is creepy too, American politics is both interesting and bizarre. Is C.C only for the elite and the average citizens are frowned upon then? Look at the trans thread and all the bigotry. This place has actually become less inclusive over the years and dominated by a few pompous snobbery core members. That’s a bit of a low blow for Shep and his ilk, he’s not even said much for ages. You can’t have a grown up discussion without insults been thrown all over.
'Suppose' is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.
Anyone can join and discuss on here, but they've got to expect to have their input and positions scrutinised and challenged, fairly rigorously if they want to join in - otherwise what's the point?? .
Shep has stated repeatedly that he's only here for the wind-up , although curiously he objects to the trolling label - not seeming to understand that winding-up is the definition of trolling 🙄
I'm sure he's off somewhere nice, having a lovely time in his campervan, or gone to shout about football, or whatever..
I'm off for a nice windy bike ride, shall try not to get blown over..