I'm glad you have nothing else to occupy you're thoughts, me personally have had no impact on my life by Will Smith slapping Chris Rock.
Do you disect every action carried out by every person on TV and turn it into a debate topic?
Why on earth do you care what we choose to talk about.?
Do you only ever talk about things that have direct impact on your life.?
How deadly dull, your company must be...
100% sure everyone here has got other things going on to occupy their minds.
Pretty sure none of us (with a few notable exceptions) go around the internet telling other people what they're allowed to find interesting, or are allowed to chat about.
Were we all to acknowledge that we've grasped "what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height" of his concern, might shep be spared the chore of reminding us?
Give the poor sod a break, I say.
It's amazing I get anything else done, isn't it??🙄
I feel slightly ashamed, and so must get back to my busy busy day job, of wrangling Hollywood 'slebs..
Ps , happy to acknowledge schlepps total lack of interest in any of these topics