We did the same, assisted by a local who is of Ukranian extraction and is currently in Lviv helping his fellow countryfolk get to the UK. So far, despite his best efforts, we've seen only six families - SIX families - actually make it over here to E Lancs legally. He is so infuriated, he reckons the present system has been set up to fail. If not, then the incompetence is shameful.
What they do is give all the members EXCEPT the most vulnerable (eldest, youngest or person with special needs) a visa. The inference being, 'well go on, you can go and live in Britain now' but of course, the mother is not going to leave her visa-less child, the daughter not leaving her vulnerable mother. One case we know of is that a mother is divorced so they will only give her child a visa if she gets the father's signature. Easy enough, eh? Except the father is a front-line soldier so she would have to go - and probably take her two year-old with her because she's in Lviv without other family members - and present him with the sixteen-page document for him to have to sign and get an independent witness to authorise his signature! It's absolutely maddening and we've given up thinking about it too much or it will drive us insane with the awfulness of it all.