Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Wind your neck in. You've been absolutely vile to pretty much everyone on this forum so you don't get to play a get out of jail free card and act the victim.

Nope having a serious illness doesn't give you right to be vile to people.

It should give you the right to good healthcare, And best wishes for better health from all concerned .

But you don't get to weaponise it, or use it to beat other people with.

I've lost rather too many of my family to various nasty diseases over the last few years, but none of them seemed to think it gave them an excuse to be abusive.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
I think if an illness is the reason behind your online attitude and posting style then that's in a way understandable but doesn't necessarily excuse it. You have to remember that behind these avatars are real people, and we are not your therapists.

Correct…and you know fark all about the person behind my avator…..your pathetic


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Nope having a serious illness doesn't give you right to be vile to people.

It should give you the right to good healthcare, And best wishes for better health from all concerned .

But you don't get to weaponise it, or use it to beat other people with.

I've lost rather too many of my family to various nasty diseases over the last few years, but none of them seemed to think it gave them an excuse to be abusive.

Nobody weaponised anything……..old bint


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Theres 268 pages on one thread of people playing the victim card……and you say its only me playing it.

You all need a short, sharp look in the mirror and see yourselves for what you are and absolutely none of you are innocent of anything thats been said on this forum……its just you all think you are.
This is a woman who thought it was funny that i couldnt have children…..putting up a pathetic meme to celebrate the fact i couldnt have children, without even asking the reasons why.
and put up a pathetic apology when i said cancer is great isnt it.
The post they put up was removed in minutes, by them, and an apology given. They've not raised it again, you have. It's up to to decide whether you accept the apology given. I mean who asks if you can have kids and then why can't you when you say you can't. Much less ask the same questions on a forum such as this.

It, cancer, is an illness that doesn't care who it gets or where. Money can't guarantee it'll never get you, it doesn't do money, care about where you were born or where you live.

I've replied to their face, and over the keyboard, with less vitriol than you. My stock answer has been "No, cancer took my nuts in 99". Not the best of answers, but it does stop similar questions being pointed in my direction once that type of answer has been given. They know about the cancer, so saying they didn't can't be an excuse, if they tried again. In your case, I'd say no-one knew about the cancer, they do now so lets see if anyone else mentions either again.

I'm currently one of the 3,000 men in the UK with breast cancer. Treating it isn't straight forward in my case, due to epilepsy. Previous problems on the operating table are making them wary of putting me on one again. I'm on medication to counter the side effects of the anti-epiletic medication. You know what, there's side effects to that medication as well.
Born and brought up with it, epilepsy, so I think I've heard most of the insults possible and the excuses that have been used for them. I'll die with it, not because of it. But SUDEP still looms large.

I'm with Winjim on this, wind yer neck in. Stop using the cancer as an excuse for how you answer and behave towards folk. You got an apology, doesn't appear to have been accepted and the offending post removed. At the least accept that much. It will never be an excuse for the posts you're making, so don't try and use it as one.

And if you feel like telling me to grow a set, or man the "F" up or MTFU, I'll say I can't. Nature only provided me with the one set and no ability to reproduce a replacement set.

I now return the thread after this diversion to that of the thread title.
Sorry for the sidetracking


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
The post they put up was removed in minutes, by them, and an apology given. They've not raised it again, you have. It's up to to decide whether you accept the apology given. I mean who asks if you can have kids and then why can't you when you say you can't. Much less ask the same questions on a forum such as this.

It, cancer, is an illness that doesn't care who it gets or where. Money can't guarantee it'll never get you, it doesn't do money, care about where you were born or where you live.

I've replied to their face, and over the keyboard, with less vitriol than you. My stock answer has been "No, cancer took my nuts in 99". Not the best of answers, but it does stop similar questions being pointed in my direction once that type of answer has been given. They know about the cancer, so saying they didn't can't be an excuse, if they tried again. In your case, I'd say no-one knew about the cancer, they do now so lets see if anyone else mentions either again.

I'm currently one of the 3,000 men in the UK with breast cancer. Treating it isn't straight forward in my case, due to epilepsy. Previous problems on the operating table are making them wary of putting me on one again. I'm on medication to counter the side effects of the anti-epiletic medication. You know what, there's side effects to that medication as well.
Born and brought up with it, epilepsy, so I think I've heard most of the insults possible and the excuses that have been used for them. I'll die with it, not because of it. But SUDEP still looms large.

I'm with Winjim on this, wind yer neck in. Stop using the cancer as an excuse for how you answer and behave towards folk. You got an apology, doesn't appear to have been accepted and the offending post removed. At the least accept that much. It will never be an excuse for the posts you're making, so don't try and use it as one.

And if you feel like telling me to grow a set, or man the "F" up or MTFU, I'll say I can't. Nature only provided me with the one set and no ability to reproduce a replacement set.

I now return the thread after this diversion to that of the thread title.
Sorry for the sidetracking

apology didnt cut it………it should never been said in the first, no matter what the reason. But thats the mentallity of people on here. You lot think im the one playing the victim card, but theres so many playing it on here its laughable.

im sorry for your illness and sincerely hope you recover.
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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
apology didnt cut it………it should never been said in the first, no matter what the reason. But thats the mentallity of people on here. You lot think im the one playing the victim card, but theres so many playing it on here its laughable.

im sorry for your illness and sincerely hope you recover.

You can't even get that person's gender right so how on Earth you expect them to know your medical history I've no idea.

Honestly, you've been awful, absolutely awful to people on here for a full month now at a rate approaching thirty posts a day. You're in no position to complain when it comes back to you.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
You can't even get that person's gender right so how on Earth you expect them to know your medical history I've no idea.

Honestly, you've been awful, absolutely awful to people on here for a full month now at a rate approaching thirty posts a day. You're in no position to complain when it comes back to you.

Like i said….the post should never have been made in the first, but hey no problem

i aint playing no victim and wont be anyone elses victem either……

but you lot love playing the brexit victim card every day of your lives……and making sure everyone knows about it, day in, day out……..the abuse brexiteers have had thrown at them on here and the other place, is the way i answered the way i do, but hey, we deserve it right. We deserve all the abuse, cause we had the nerve to exercise our right to vote, in the same way you had the right exercise yours.

but not once have i seen a remainer, tell other remainers to stop the abuse and wind their knecks in, as you all like to put it….so do me a favor, instead of typing about my vile responses, take some responsibility for your own posts and stop judging others on theirs.

The gang culture thats been built up on here is unbelievable……..
Like i said….the post should never have been made in the first, but hey no problem

i aint playing no victim and wont be anyone elses victem either……

but you lot love playing the brexit victim card every day of your lives……and making sure everyone knows about it, day in, day out……..the abuse brexiteers have had thrown at them on here and the other place, is the way i answered the way i do, but hey, we deserve it right. We deserve all the abuse, cause we had the nerve to exercise our right to vote, in the same way you had the right exercise yours.

but not once have i seen a remainer, tell other remainers to stop the abuse and wind their knecks in, as you all like to put it….so do me a favor, instead of typing about my vile responses, take some responsibility for your own posts and stop judging others on theirs.

The gang culture thats been built up on here is unbelievable……..
You have no idea how, or even if I voted in June 2016. Please don't pretend you know that which you cannot know.

And I don't believe I'm taking either side. Despite being one who said "wind yer neck in.
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