Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
You have no idea how, or even if I voted in June 2016. Please don't pretend you know that which you cannot know.

And I don't believe I'm taking either side. Despite being one who said "wind yer neck in.

That reply wasnt to you……
This is a woman who thought it was funny that i couldnt have children…..putting up a pathetic meme to celebrate the fact i couldnt have children, without even asking the reasons why.
and put up a pathetic apology when i said cancer is great isnt it.
I'm not going to get into any kind of argument with you but I will make these points.

1) I'm def not a woman, as Mr Cookiemonster will testify to. :laugh:
2) I've never found cancer funny and I've never joked about it at any point ever. A dreadful accusation that you need to apologise for. Although, I'm not holding my breath.
3) Its been mentioned that you have been vile to everyone here so don't be too surprised when this nastiness bites you on the arse eventually.
4) When you told me about cancer, the offending post was immediatly removed and I apologised to you for it. If you cannot accept that apology, I can't do anything more.
5) Time to take the giant chip off your shoulder and ditch the victim mentality.
6) Grow the f*ck up.

That's all folks!
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I'm not going to get into any kind of argument with you but I will make these points.

1) I'm def not a woman, as Mr Cookiemonster will testify to. :laugh:
2) I've never found cancer funny and I've never joked about it at any point ever. A dreadful accusation that you need to apologise for. Although, I'm not holding my breath.
3) Its been mentioned that you have been vile to everyone here so don't be too surprised when this nastiness bites you on the arse eventually.
4) When you told me about cancer, the offending post was immediatly removed and I apologised to you for it. If you cannot accept that apology, I can't do anything more.
5) Time to take the giant chip off your shoulder and ditch the victim mentality.
6) Grow the f*ck up.

That's all folks!

Dignified, comprehensive, and succinct.

Anyone would think you were an English teacher. 🤔

You're being taken for fools BTW....

And this probs isn't far from the truth of it.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Wise so you are.
You're being taken for fools BTW....

Maybe, maybe not. But some attitudes are so egregious that they need to be addressed. It's not necessarily the case that one expects to change the opinion of the person displaying that attitude but it's more for the benefit of people who may be affected by similar issues to the ones being raised.

If it is trolling then that makes it even more reprehensible but I like to think that people have some decency.


Maybe, maybe not. But some attitudes are so egregious that they need to be addressed. It's not necessarily the case that one expects to change the opinion of the person displaying that attitude but it's more for the benefit of people who may be affected by similar issues to the ones being raised.

If it is trolling then that makes it even more reprehensible but I like to think that people have some decency.

Generally agree with the first part, which is why I'll often get into expositions on something or other - Even when I'm pretty sure the person I'm replying to may be immovable, uninterested, or likely both

But as to the second part - having witnessed the wholly unecessary spewings of bile towards others over the last few weeks - do you really think 'decency' has much part to play in all this .??

I'm all for assuming the best of people, as default, until proven otherwards.

Imo 'proven otherwards' is pretty much resoundingly done.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Generally agree with the first part, which is why I'll often get into expositions on something or other - Even when I'm pretty sure the person I'm replying to may be immovable, uninterested, or likely both

But as to the second part - having witnessed the wholly unecessary spewings of bile towards others over the last few weeks - do you really think 'decency' has much part to play in all this .??

I'm all for assuming the best of people, as default, until proven otherwards.

Imo 'proven otherwards' is pretty much resoundingly done.

One can behave unpleasantly but the underlying emotion behind that behaviour can be sincere. The term 'trolling' implies a level of cynicism.

I refuse to believe that we are seeing that level of cynicism on display. I think we are experiencing fire rather than ice.
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If someone has personal issues and health concerns then posting in the Personal thread is the best place. It is always 100% supportive and comes with the best wishes of everyone.
The unmoderated politics area isn’t going to be the best place to raise these issues.

Deleted member 49

Hence the IDLES quote as a means to understand what I think is going on
Good to see you do have some taste in music 🙄

Deleted member 49

Yeah we watched their Glastonbury set on telly, it looked pretty incredible.
Partner has a "thing" for the guitarist Mark Bowen,well he's a dentist and from Belfast so it doesn't suprise me !
I watch him in awe at the concerts,but have a uneasy feeling thinking I wouldn't like him doing a teeth check up on me Monday morning.


My daughter's favourite band right now. It's a relief that she's moved on from Let It Go.
It all moves on so fast though doesnt it .??

One of my trainees won tickets to see them at Cardiff I think it was, back in the spring .

Another of her (even) more anarchically aligned friends didn't approve her going to see them , because apparently they're just a bunch of sold-out 'Libs' now..

Naturally she ignored him, and went anyway...

Kids today , eh.??
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