Yet more Tory sleaze….

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boris was all for it but didn;t go for it full throttle in the full glare of the lights because it smacks of corruption
You sure that was the reason?




I’m sure tricky down economics works in theoretical text books and simulations but real world experience tells us otherwise.

People just horde the wealth or it goes overseas.

Wasn’t the Premier League supposed to work in a similar way?


Senior Member
I’m sure tricky down economics works in theoretical text books and simulations but real world experience tells us otherwise.

People just horde the wealth or it goes overseas.

Wasn’t the Premier League supposed to work in a similar way?

Yes - it fails as soon a real people are put into the model
which only happens in real life

but by then the people gaining an advantage are the ones making the decisions

it takes a motivated and empathic 'people focussed' leader to go against this

now look at whoever is in the Cabinet this week


Senior Member
Just remembered someone saying something a while ago

They said
"there is no point in giving money to the poor as they just spend it
if you give money to the rich then they save it - or invest it - and in gets re-cycled back into the economy"

my wife and I had to replay it several times to check that was what he said

he seemed to miss the point that 'the poor' spend it because they NEED to
but in doing so they spend it on things which generate taxes - and need people to service their purchase who also pay taxes

'the rich' save it where it gets stuck (remember that you can earn £1000 in interest before having to pay tax on it) and are also more able to find ways to earn from it in a 'tax efficient' manner - I believe that Jimmy Carr knows about that concept (or did accidentally at one pont- CLEARLY he does it properly now)

but this is what some people advocate as the way forward

sometime I despair about people ability to think!!!!


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Is everyone that doesnt agree with the clans position a troll then???

No, that is unfair... they can also be:

tory pigs
..... etc

it is also quite possible to be in more than one category, if you really try hard ;)

Salty seadog

Senior Member
Is everyone that doesnt agree with the clans position a troll then???

Nope, just the trolls.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
So anyone who votes Tory is automatically a troll then?

I wouldn't know, I don't indulge in name calling, play the ball is my style.

But, if you read the post to which I replied, and, considered the whole context, I don't think my post implied that boolean AND relationship.

I am sure someone will be along shortly, to correct my grammar ;)


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
No, that is unfair... they can also be:

tory pigs
..... etc

it is also quite possible to be in more than one category, if you really try hard ;)

So your in quite a few of those then :okay:
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