Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Sorry, but these are largely financial arguments, looking upon people as beans in an accountant's spreadsheet. The main reason must surely be, they are destitute people who are fleeing poverty, famine and war and we should welcome them with open arms as fellow human beings.

Not all immigrants are refugees though, and we need to be mindful of contributing to the rhetoric of our country being the best and everywhere else being a shithole, which ironically seems to be used mainly by those who would wish to reduce immigration to the UK.

Deleted member 28

1) Immigrants and Asylum seekers put more into the economy per capita than those born and bred in the UK
2) The number of people actually wanting to come here isn't that great and used to be largely balanced by emigration.
3) Immigration meets skill shortages and creates a more dynamic society
4) UK citizens benefit from being able to take their skills to other countries - leaving the EU has significantly lowered net Emigration by making it far harder for British Citizens to work in other countries.
And presumably this is why you vote labour/liberal but don't often get in power, because less people agree with these views.

Although after Boris's antics lately you never know?

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
And presumably this is why you vote labour/liberal but don't often get in power, because less people agree with these views.

Although after Boris's antics lately you never know?

Not actually true. Combine the popular vote for the lefty parties (Lab, Lib, SNP, Green etc) and it works out significantly higher than the Tory/right-wing vote, somewhere in the region of 2 million, I think.

'Your lot' win because of the bent/rigged, undemocratic electoral system.

Deleted member 28

Not actually true. Combine the popular vote for the lefty parties (Lab, Lib, SNP, Green etc) and it works out significantly higher than the Tory/right-wing vote, somewhere in the region of 2 million, I think.

'Your lot' win because of the bent/rigged, undemocratic electoral system.

Why didn't Labour change it last time they were in then so as not to ever get voted out?


And presumably this is why you vote labour/liberal but don't often get in power, because less people agree with these views.
Although after Boris's antics lately you never know?
Just to confirm - I take from this that you have no good reason or justification to call for immigration controls other than racism / xenophobia, and agree with the agenda of Rupert Murdoch's newspapers to heighten that xenophobia / racism?


Why didn't Labour change it last time they were in then so as not to ever get voted out?

Because Labour gets more seats with regional representation. Even the famed Tony Blair landslide majorities were never actually a popular majority.

  • In 2005, Labour won 55% of the seats with 35% of the vote.
  • In 2001, Labour won 63% of the seats with 41% of the vote.
  • In 1997, Labour won 63% of the seats with 43% of the vote.
And even when Labour doesn't get the majority, it still benefits. When the Conservative coalition wrestled back the majority in 2010, Labour still won 40% of the seats with 29% of the vote.

It's only lately, since the Tories took control of the electoral commission and have introduced policies to suppress voting (compulsory ID for example) that Labour are realising that there might be a problem...
Boris Johnson is changing the rules to let ministers avoid resigning if they break the ministerial code, allowing them to apologise or temporarily lose their pay instead.

The prime minister, who is himself facing claims of breaching the code, published a policy statement on Friday saying it is “disproportionate to expect that any breach, however minor, should lead automatically to resignation or dismissal”.

Cross posted with @The Crofted Crest

Deleted member 49

Utter scumbag!

Boris Johnson is changing the rules to let ministers avoid resigning if they break the ministerial code, allowing them to apologise or temporarily lose their pay instead.
He's under investigation himself for breaking the ministerial code.
Pure coincidence 🙄


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Because Labour gets more seats with regional representation. Even the famed Tony Blair landslide majorities were never actually a popular majority.

  • In 2005, Labour won 55% of the seats with 35% of the vote.
  • In 2001, Labour won 63% of the seats with 41% of the vote.
  • In 1997, Labour won 63% of the seats with 43% of the vote.
And even when Labour doesn't get the majority, it still benefits. When the Conservative coalition wrestled back the majority in 2010, Labour still won 40% of the seats with 29% of the vote.

It's only lately, since the Tories took control of the electoral commission and have introduced policies to suppress voting (compulsory ID for example) that Labour are realising that there might be a problem...

I always thought that the current system favoured the two major parties (Labour and Conservative), rather than the small fish (Lib Dems, Greens, etc), which is one reason why there is little enthusiasm for change (among successive Labour and/or Conservative Governments), after all, Turkeys do not vote for Christmas.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Come on then Shep, why do you think that attitude is wrong? Let's have some rationale...

Here's mine as to why it is the right attitude:-

1) Immigrants and Asylum seekers put more into the economy per capita than those born and bred in the UK
2) The number of people actually wanting to come here isn't that great and used to be largely balanced by emigration.
3) Immigration meets skill shortages and creates a more dynamic society
4) UK citizens benefit from being able to take their skills to other countries - leaving the EU has significantly lowered net Emigration by making it far harder for British Citizens to work in other countries.

Please tell me that your rationale is more thought out than "they talk funny / are the wrong colour / there's no room", which seems to be the usual set of Brexiteer arguments.

If this is true (I have no reason to doubt you), and, if Immigration/refugee policy is to be based on Monetary value, perhaps, Priti should be exporting some of the indigenous population to Rwanda, and, welcoming immigrants/refugees?

To be clear, I have no problem with immigration.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
If this is true (I have no reason to doubt you), and, if Immigration/refugee policy is to be based on Monetary value, perhaps, Priti should be exporting some of the indigenous population to Rwanda, and, welcoming immigrants/refugees?

To be clear, I have no problem with immigration.

Good idea. Can we swap @shep for an immigrant?

To be clear I have no problem with people from Wolverhampton.

Nor did I vote for Brexit, or for the Tories.
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