Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Deleted member 49

Well, you clearly do have an issue.

Do you set aside much of your life thinking of politics or just when on forum's like this, just wondering if all this 'hate ' takes over much of your time?
Do I set aside much of my life lol...Usually when I'm in a Tory sleaze thread I'll talk about Torys 🙄
Do I think they affect me ? Of course there damaging the country and my children's future.So if someone asks me what I think,they'll usually get exactly that.

Deleted member 49

Celeriac even better 🙂💚

Whereas avocados, are well known to have caused a shortage of affordable housing in this country - not to mention having displaced indigenous peasant farmers in Central and South America..

Evil, slimy, detestable things ..

View attachment 1428
Orwell 😁


One does sometimes wonder how the colonies managed to turn all that hatred into at least the appearance of gratitude...
Well I guess singing dancing and clapping for your overlords starts off as a necessary survival technique..

If left unexamined, it morphs into a cultural norm..

I mean you only have to look at all the recent jimbly jumbly jubilee hoo ha, to see that ..

How was your street party / separatist insurrection by the way.??

I got accosted in the bunting clad street, of one of our local towns, by a nice lady proffering ginger cake..

I accepted it graciously enough , I like to think 😇


Oh I don't know. I find it only marginally more challenging than remembering to breathe.

Tbh you have to ask yourself what's going on if you've not got a continuous, and ongoing abhorrence of rightwing bellends..

Day and night, sleeping and waking .

I mean isn't that why we evolved a spleen in the first place.??

Just don't stop breathing, OK ..??


I hate the Tories pretty much full time. Sometimes I have to ask my wife to do a bit of the hating for me so I can get on with other things. NGL it's hard work.

I think the most interesting thing about the Tories at the moment is that even the Tories hate the Tories. There are large swathes of centerist voters who would naturally veer towards conservative who are utterly appalled by the useless sh*tshow running the country.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I think the most interesting thing about the Tories at the moment is that even the Tories hate the Tories. There are large swathes of centerist voters who would naturally veer towards conservative who are utterly appalled by the useless sh*tshow running the country.

Yeah, I shouldn't really call this lot Tories. Proper Tories I might dislike or disagree with and I certainly wouldn't vote for them, but these are something else.
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