Xipe Totec
Something nasty in the woodshed
More virtue signalling, not everyone jumps on the internet to tell the world what they are doing.
some of us just do it anyone, as part of our everyday lives.
but keep waving that flag of virtue.
and were did i see you remoaners were the problem, oh thats right i didnt…i just said stop whinging.
And youve showed your virute signalling remoaner whinging on every thread in this forum….
you turn every thread into a whinging remain brexit thread…….you think no one else is doing anything, because they dont bang on about it every post on here and CC.
we know you think your hero, but really your not. And as for dumb ass brexiteers, pull the other it sings combe by ah
as for rude and arrogant, take a look in that big old cracked mirror of yours, before classing people as rude…..as for arrogant, then you deffo know what that means, cause your arrogant enough to think, that only you are doing anything to mitigate the effects of brexit on peoples lives…..big klaxon moment, your not, you just like telling everyone you are.
Yet more nonesense…………not all heros bang on, on the internet like you. They just doing it, without wanting any thanks and hero worship. You want people to constantly thank you and blow smoke up your arse and people do it.
you just come here to bang your drum, look at me, look at me……..im a hero, im changing policy.
bang that old drum mothersticks, one day, you might get that big old thank you, your begging for.
this is a thread about tory sleaze, that youve turned into another brexit rant, you got the brexit thread, the leadership debate and many more……all of them turned into brexit rants.
Im not looking for respect from some internet nomad…..i get enough from work colleagues on a day to day basis.
as for childish insults….didnt you just called me a dumb ass, again, thinking the insults only come from one way
We know she is, but she wont take being told………just goes on virtue signalling like a hero.
puts people on ignore and then spends time talking about them to anyone else who will listen and then tried to tell people to do the same…..
i dont have anyone on ignore, no matter how bitter they are…….cause i like to talk about people to their face and not behind their backs like odious little gimps.
Hug what out…..you are the guys that put people on ignore and then talk about them
i mean what is the point in that??
Im glad to hear that and apologise for saying you did.
Yet more assumptions……you know nothing about me and never will, keep on making things up about people, just to make yourself feel good for being a rude, arrogant, hero virtue signaller
but keep on beating that drum old sticks, as it would seem im no longer on ignore, otherwise you wouldnt be wasting your time as you put it, with people like me.
i hate negative people and you are the worst kind ive ever come accross…..its all the brexiteers fault.