Oi! Button it!
You started it, so can snap out of it right away..
Oi! Button it!
You started it, so can snap out of it right away..
Zip it!
if eye let you get away with that one, there'll be no end to this..
You’re so straight laced sometimes.
Strangely enough, for a left-leaning voter, it is my left eye that has the problems. I would be interested how you can make your posts visible more to my right eye.
So far in this thread you have referred to my nose, my fingers, my arse, my brain cell and my eye. I'll send a laminated picture if it helps.
Meanwhile you still have no answers and hide behind a smokescreen.
I've just logged back into the forum after a few days respite, cancelling the ignore button after it looked like sanity had returned, only to see that the man-child is still ranting on to get attention.
As far as I can see not many people, Leave or Remain are actually doing anything to make Brexit a success or failure, but are just getting on with their working and private lives. You criticise someone who is actually doing something to help make Brexit as successful in their field as their specific role can, but you in your childlike way call mentioning that virtue signalling. Can you actually explain, and I promise not to call it virtue signalling, what you are currently doing that you were not doing before Brexit to make it a success?
Hint: Criticising/moaning about a political decision is perfectly acceptable and normal, otherwise we would all have nothing bad to say about the way this Conservative government is running the country until the next election, and should just live with the mess they are making in the meantime. Criticising or praising Brexit on an internet forum will have zero impact upon its success ir failure, but is a reasonable way to share one's opinions. One interesting thing I get from such discussions is that I have seen it is far, far easier to list/itemise the many problems caused by Brexit than it is to list the very few benefits, other than the mythical "taking back control", and that people who voted for Brexit get very unhappy and throw a tantrum when this is highlighted.
Careful, that is almost sounding like virtue signalling. Again can you give us some hints as to how this respect manifests itself? Do they vote you colleague of the month via Zoom (I don't know whether you work in an office environment or are still WFH) or have a whip round to buy you Welsh cakes?
Then you came in with your first post pointing at me, with your own insults………hypocrit
No response to my point about the relevance of Brexit to a thread about Tory/Liz Truss sleaze then.
Oh I forgot, you don't have to explain anything.
Oh no I can we're going to get hooked into fastning puns if we're not careful..
Do they vote you colleague of the month via Zoom (I don't know whether you work in an office environment or are still WFH) or have a whip round to buy you Welsh cakes?
Just out of interest, what’s the preferred alternative to virtue? Malevolence? Depravity? Deficiency, maybe? Whatever the word, there’s a big old warning beacon being flashed at the forum again.
I don't think employees of the diplomatic corps are allowed to discuss their work.
No response to my point about the relevance of Brexit to a thread about Tory/Liz Truss sleaze then.
Oh I forgot, you don't have to explain anything.
You jumped in with this post about whingers and then started the personal insults.
I've just logged back into the forum after a few days respite, cancelling the ignore button after it looked like sanity had returned, only to see that the man-child is still ranting on to get attention.
So alongside, the 'control' issues, you also appear to have anger management problems.
I feel sorry / concerned for those who have to come into contact with you in real life, if this is what you are like with people in the real world.
You've amply shown already what a rude and arrogant man you are .
The fact that you're uncomfortable hearing those facts, and have to dismiss it as 'virtue signalling' - that dumb arse phrase, uttered by dumb arse folks
The more you chuck about your childish insults, the more you feebly attempt to belittle me, the more you diminish your own credibility