The "racism card"
It's almost as if Dutchie has missed TWO inquiries openly describing the Met as 'racist'.
I haven't however accusations about racism do not mean every single incident is related to racism. if your selective reading has missed it, the victim was driving in a car flagged because it was involved in an incident with an fire arms, for which a other 6 are wanted. After he got the stop signal he didn't stop but raced off, they had to block him in, to get him to stop, and somewhere in that whole process he got shot.
And his family wants to make believe that he was an honest construction worker who was only shot by specially trained officers because he was black.
I have a hard time believing that, and considering his family's statement that they are stepping back their ''fight'' for ''justice'' after watching the body cam makes me suspect that the eventual court case will prove the officer did nothing wrong.
These AFOs are throwing down their toys because they want all the kudos and fun of firearms, but without the responsibility. Given that racism absolutely permeates our society...and even more so the is not unreasonable to wonder whether there is a differential in their behaviour based on race.
Any evidence of that claim? sure there is a report that shows there is racism within the (met)police, but that doesn't stipulate firearms officers specifically. What do you have against firearms officers anyway?
Anyway, the CPS (which is NOT the police, and does not act in the interests of the Police) has decided already that there is a case to answer, based on the evidence they already have. The CPS DO NOT charge unless they think there is a reasonable chance of a conviction.
I never claimed it was the police just to be clear, my point is and was even if the cps thinks there is a case to answer does not automatically mean they are correct. More then enough times they get refuted by the judge/courts.
Respect the court system and do try to add a conclusion to a body that is not made for that purpose. In an ideal world the Cps would bring almost all crimes to court, with the only criteria being if there is enough evidence. But it's not an ideal world so the cps has to juggle with who to charge and who not to charge