Concentration camps and global warming

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
You seemed to be quite obsessed with population growth. 🤔 What's your proposal?

I don’t think I am obsessed with it… but…. It used to be a regular topic, now, it never gets a mention. It seems rather obvious to me, that, if there a fewer of us, our ‘load’ on the ecosystem will be less.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
You seemed to be quite obsessed with population growth. 🤔 What's your proposal?

@BoldonLad has answered for himself.

I'm interested in human population as a big factor in climate change and habitat destruction.

Somewhere in this thread I have pointed out that countries which allow women control of their bodies, and have a decent education and welfare system see falls in the reproductive rate. Italy, Japan are good examples.

If we can promote these socially positive things we could hope for a stabilisation and eventual drop in world population.

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
@BoldonLad has answered for himself.

I'm interested in human population as a big factor in climate change and habitat destruction.

Somewhere in this thread I have pointed out that countries which allow women control of their bodies, and have a decent education and welfare system see falls in the reproductive rate. Italy, Japan are good examples.

If we can promote these socially positive things we could hope for a stabilisation and eventual drop in world population.

I'm with you on that. But that's a positive side effect of educating and empowering women, which is a subtle difference to advocating population control....

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
I don’t think I am obsessed with it… but…. It used to be a regular topic, now, it never gets a mention. It seems rather obvious to me, that, if there a fewer of us, our ‘load’ on the ecosystem will be less.

How do you propse we control population growth?
Who gets to decide?
How is it managed and policed?
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Increased numbers of Cows against a background of increased fossil Fuel and other burnings/Methane emmitters that contribute to climate change.
Maybe if people didn't drive fossil fuel cars, or burned coal and gas for electricity, the climate could cope with the increased cows.
Simply put (and it really is that simple), we're now very close to a tipping point with the climate, so everyone does the analysis to see where the main sources of CO2 and Methane come from and which of the big contributors we can change. Guess what? Cows are in the big win group, so it seem sense to tackle those as a priority rather than Guinea Pig farts....
A city like new york full of cars is now for a lot of years actually covered in smogg. Thick poisonous air that can't escape trough the high buildings. However a field of cows doesn't have the same effect, even when you put a lot of them in their. conclusion your logic stinks.
The main question that isn't really answered is how much is to much?, and then not calculating how much gasses a single fart emits, because by doing that you're omitting the fact that co2 and many other natural gasses can actually be used by plants, grass and others, so you need to know how much is actually damaging for the planet if at all.

It's a bit like all that food that says protein in the supermarket, if you just buy that it won't make you buff alltough the ingriedient of protein is known to help with that, but if you really want to get buff you need an combination of the correct food, excerise rest etc. etc. Same with the climate like a said before singling out one thing doesn't really work. it just stinks...


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I'm with you on that. But that's a positive side effect of educating and empowering women, which is a subtle difference to advocating population control....

How do you propse we control population growth?
Who gets to decide?
How is it managed and policed?

Where did I say different?

Why do you have to assume that I am in favour of some draconian system, when I never suggested any such thing?


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Where did I say different?

Why do you have to assume that I am in favour of some draconian system, when I never suggested any such thing?

Because hes a cock of the highest order and likes to think he is better than everyone else.




We need fewer cars, not differently powered cars.
Yep - that is Elon Musk's plan. Tesla was created to build a fleet of electric cars which will be able to drive themselves. At that point car ownership can reduce as you can tell your car (should you own one) to go out and earn a living when you aren't using it. Add to that robo fleets which can hugely undercut driven taxis and you change the way cars are used.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
Yep - that is Elon Musk's plan. Tesla was created to build a fleet of electric cars which will be able to drive themselves. At that point car ownership can reduce as you can tell your car (should you own one) to go out and earn a living when you aren't using it. Add to that robo fleets which can hugely undercut driven taxis and you change the way cars are used.

Sounds great!

That will challenge a few people!
Yep - that is Elon Musk's plan. Tesla was created to build a fleet of electric cars which will be able to drive themselves. At that point car ownership can reduce as you can tell your car (should you own one) to go out and earn a living when you aren't using it. Add to that robo fleets which can hugely undercut driven taxis and you change the way cars are used.
Nope he came up with autonous driving because a worker when he was creating Tesla died when falling asleep behind the wheel and he created autopilot to prevent that.
The model your talking about is being tried in several cities in the Us by both uber and Google (well minus the car ownership)


Elder Goth
The problem is, when all this electronic, internet powered stuff becomes self aware, we're in a Terminator style hellscape. We're dooming humanity.


Nope he came up with autonous driving because a worker when he was creating Tesla died when falling asleep behind the wheel and he created autopilot to prevent that.
The model your talking about is being tried in several cities in the Us by both uber and Google (well minus the car ownership)

Read more carefully. I was talking about his plan - which is available on the Tesla blog, not why he came up with driverless cars.

Then read master plan part three.
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