Do you think there may be the tiniest bit of confirmation bias here?
Confirmation bias is a problem inherent right across this issue. A good place to start is to ask yourself what you want to believe. You then ask yourself if it is wise to believe that in the light of the evidence around you and a sensible precautionary principle.
The problem then is, who do you trust when looking for evidence. The fossil fuel industry and it lackeys, or scientists enjoying an unlimited gravy train of government funding? The prostitition of science for money can be true of both sides.
I have never liked the denier kind of sceptic. My scepticism about the sincerity of those taking a sceptical view has increased in recent years. Some of those taking the sceptical line are not sincere - and yes I do think they want 'business as usual' come what may.
This has not, however, led to an increased acceptance of the credibility of the doomsday predictors. I haven't forgotten climategate, with its revelation of groupthink and suppression of dissenting opinions. Have the problems since actually been remedied?
Then there is the creation of a climate (sorry) of fear and panic. The latter smacks of manipulation, and even if things are as serious as claimed panic will not help but a cool (also sorry!) head.
My current thinking fwiw is that this is a cause for concern, but not panic.