Donald I, emperor of the world.

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Senior Member
pfffff ....$3m ''a huge win''. It's the price of semi in London. It's fark all in monetary terms, but everything to his the morons who lick his bum crack.
There is more than one ship per decade going through the canal

Bet you can't afford to pay for your dinghy to go through 😁


Well-Known Member
The naiveté from Trump is that he can only see a Zero Sum Game. He is happy because Panama is not renewing participation in a Chinese initiative on the basis it will hurt China and he assumes that will help the US.

But Panama wont start trusting the US given Trump's stated intent to retake the Canal, by force in necessary. Panama wont start trusting the US but will rather be seeking more trustworth countries to establish closer ties with.

Trump's Zero Sum Game is that anything that makes China weaker makes the US stronger.

He can't see any non-zero-sum (Win-Win). And demonstrating US is now an unreliable partner will push many other countries, many who have already been threatened to establish closer ties with more trustworthy countries where both countries can benefit.

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Legendary Member
There is more than one ship per decade going through the canal

Bet you can't afford to pay for your dinghy to go through 😁

Moronic response.

Yes, American warships use the Panama Canal. The United States has a long history of utilizing the canal for military and logistical purposes. As for the toll, in most cases, warships are exempt from paying tolls when transiting the canal.

Only a moron would believe Trump claiming something to be true without checking it. There is a long-standing historic agreement that USA Navy ships are not subject to tolls.

You've tried this routine before, saying that I live in a squalid flat, and have no money. You are a true moron.
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Senior Member
US AID has been closed, staff put on leave after huge wasteful payments all over the world. Likely it will be scrapped as a department


The Tony Benn’s quote on the 5 keys to holding power is very relevant to Musk. He is unelected and unaccountable.

What power have you got?
Where did you get it from?
In whose interests do you exercise it?
To whom are you accountable?
And how can we get rid of you?

If anyone can give a sensible, considered response, that justifies Musk’s current position I am all ears to hear it.


Senior Member
If anyone can give a sensible, considered response, that justifies Musk’s current position I am all ears to hear it
Trump authorised Musk, with Ramaswamy to oversee the audits of government departments. Make recommendations to President and the president would act upon the information or not.

Musk is trusted because he runs massive companies with superb efficiency. He knows a thing or two about saving money and cutting unnecessary expenditure

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Senior Member
US$44 bn valuation to US$19 bn in a short space of time. In any business in anywhere in the world this is a disaster and the person(s) responsible would be out of post very very quickly.

Edit: (Oooops, I've just done what I said I wouldn't!)

Slashed 80% of staff, took the business private and offset losses against profits.

Tesla, Space X, Starling, Boring transport seems to be run with great efficiency
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