Plenty. You'd already know that if you'd stopped steamrollering through every thread on the subject and paused to listen. I have plenty of opinions which are at odds with LGBT+ orthodoxy, and I can barely look at the graphic design car-crash that is the Progress Pride flag. Unfortunately it stopped being a good-faith discussion about the Equality Act (or the way that gender is constructed and performed) and became a moral panic some time ago, and I'm not on board for that. Feminist analysis has left the 'GC' building - these people are scared of Judith Butler and their hero is JK farking Rowling. Do you work with any young people, out of interest?
I spent my career teaching kids in secondary education. I know they are well-meaning but easily led. I've taught loads of gender non conforming kids; I'm gender non conforming (though I hate that term). And I know social contagion is a very real thing.
You chuck Butler in but never explain what her philosophy means. To me, Butler represents the difference between feminists like me, who think patriarchy is a system that operates through oppressive cultural systems like gender, and others who think the patriarchy is some sort of free floating cultural system that has nothing to do with bodies, or their exploitation. She's all about cultural signs and symbols shaping our subjectivity. Once you've taken apart all these symbols, all that's left for Butler is gender as a performance and a transwoman performing 'female' is no less authentic than a biological woman performing 'female'.
However, if there were no culture - no written word or even spoken language - women would still be exploited because our oppression is based on our sexed bodies. Muddying the distinction between men and women doesn't change that. Thus you can't expand, queer, or subvert gender; you have to disassemble it altogether.
As to moral panic, it's you and winjim who seem to want to reduce it to who goes in what toilet. I'm talking about everything from sports to prisons to changing language. And like winjim, you have a lot to say about feeling sorry for the likes of Emily Bridges but never seem to be able to let us all know what it is you do think, apart from conflating transwomen athletes with athletes with dsd's. And again, you offer no solutions.
I actually don't think we are miles apart on what the issue is, we just disagree about the solution.