It's the one that specifically advises UK service providers and as such applies to schools.
Schools can also follow the nebulous pronouncements of all those other bodies (who have very little to say directly about the practicalities of accommodating children with gender dysphoria in schools) and decide that their directions about childrens welfare being paramount applies just as much to all the other kids as it does to the one who wants to 'live in their acquired gender'. I'm not sure why you think the welfare of one child should trump the welfare of the other kids in that school.
I haven't overlooked it. The EA says exclusion of any of the protected characteristics must be a proportionate means to a legitimate end. Exclusion on the basis of sex in certain limited circumstances easily falls within that requirement as you well know. Same stuff, again and again. I hope Brompton will have a word about you hijacking his thread.
Schools can also follow the nebulous pronouncements of all those other bodies (who have very little to say directly about the practicalities of accommodating children with gender dysphoria in schools) and decide that their directions about childrens welfare being paramount applies just as much to all the other kids as it does to the one who wants to 'live in their acquired gender'. I'm not sure why you think the welfare of one child should trump the welfare of the other kids in that school.
I haven't overlooked it. The EA says exclusion of any of the protected characteristics must be a proportionate means to a legitimate end. Exclusion on the basis of sex in certain limited circumstances easily falls within that requirement as you well know. Same stuff, again and again. I hope Brompton will have a word about you hijacking his thread.