Gender again. Sorry!

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The IBA are in trouble over tests performed, if you believe some reports. Doping, and medical, if you believe others. The fact that they're having trouble is why they're using the same rules as they did at the last Olympics.

You all but said you knew which races he was doping in, and which he won whilst doping.

Well you'd never be taking part in them, under any gender then. Which makes your comparison between able bodied and the disabled nothing more than mocking the disabled. That'd be your logic at work, not mine.
Your fear drives your hate.
Hide behind any fancy wording you like, but it's clear what's behind your hatred.

It's not hateful to be afraid of male violence against women. The question is why you are cheering it on.

I never watched any boxing, meaning I didn't see what you saw. Or, are making out you've seen. I get the feeling you're relying on third hand reports and "information".
You haven't even seen the 2 boxers at the centre of the allegations? Sounds about right for you.

Deleted member 159

I never watched any boxing, meaning I didn't see what you saw.
How can you comment, if you didn't see the total mismatch in power from the male.

The IBA are in trouble over tests performed, if you believe some reports.
Its a simple swab test to discover whether they're XX or XY.

If you are XX off you go in the female division

XY off you go into the male, now open division
As disclosed my niece specialises in human rights. Yet again you attempt to demean people with superior knowledge to you - which being as you know fark all about anything means you attempt the same stroke on everyone. I'm extremely bored with tedious wasters like you Aurora. You are a contemptuous arrogant fool.
You've done more back flips than an Olympic gymnast trying to keep your opinions and your back story consistent. It must be exhausting keeping track.

How can you comment, if you didn't see the total mismatch in power from the male.

Classic doesn't need to see it. As long as men get what they want that's good enough for him. The fact that the IOC or the boxers themselves could easily put all the allegations to rest doesn't enter the equation.

Looks like the IOC are starting to sanction female boxers who speak out against male inclusion, like Hungary's Hamori. That'll explain Carini's 'apology' yesterday. The IOC have no shame whatsoever.
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Legendary Member
My my, you're an angry bunny ^_^

Keep it simple stupid- Swab test, if you have XY, you're a male, off you go to the open class in sports.

Yes I'm angry with myself for lacking the judgement not to engage with those people determined to be morons. I'm not convinced you were born a moron, you just have a determination to be so. There again critical thought is so beyond you, that I could well be wrong.

I mean how much of a moron do you have to be not recognise that a fighter who has previously lost nine times to other women is not undefeatable. And again how much of a moron do you have to be to jump to the conclusion that this person must be a man because an opponent was so outclassed that they started crying within a few seconds. Oh that's right, you'd sooner believe a Russian propaganda website than any other source.

Olympic boxing is a test of who is faster, stronger, and more determined. Ultimately one person is. The new default for women's sport is that the winner must have been a man even when there are no men competing. What next? Every man losing claiming their opponent ''is a woman so I had to let them win?''


Legendary Member
You've done more back flips than an Olympic gymnast trying to keep your opinions and your back story consistent. It must be exhausting keeping track.

All you do is attempt smears against those people who dismantle your obviously ill-constructed arguments. N is not here for the next couple of weekends. She has greater wisdom than I, recognising that arguing with fools pretending to be clever is an exercise in futility.

You are just cranky as she dismantles your bullshit with ease.


Legendary Member
It's not hateful to be afraid of male violence against women. The question is why you are cheering it on.

It is normal for us to fear violence. It is normal for all non-violent people to fear violence including boys and men. It's just that the rational among us are not prepared to stigmatise all men as being violent, especially as the data shows that women are just as capable of violence. It is not normal to spend all day every day scouring the internet for obscure cases to demonise a tiny group of people, when violence from others is all around. It shows that psychologically you have a problem.

The only act of violence I have personally witnessed recently was a woman attacking another woman for assaulting her husband who with great tolerance had stood passively and not reacted to her violence. This had taken place in the local Co-op were the chap who doesn't see very well had accidentally trod on her small dog, which she should not have brought into the shop. How helpful of her to break his glasses!

Deleted member 159

Yes I'm angry with myself for lacking the judgement not to engage with those people determined to be morons. I'm not convinced you were born a moron, you just have a determination to be so. There again critical thought is so beyond you, that I could well be wrong.

I mean how much of a moron do you have to be not recognise that a fighter who has previously lost nine times to other women is not undefeatable. And again how much of a moron do you have to be to jump to the conclusion that this person must be a man because an opponent was so outclassed that they started crying within a few seconds. Oh that's right, you'd sooner believe a Russian propaganda website than any other source.

Olympic boxing is a test of who is faster, stronger, and more determined. Ultimately one person is. The new default for women's sport is that the winner must have been a man even when there are no men competing. What next? Every man losing claiming their opponent ''is a woman so I had to let them win?''
How many 'morons' was that

The Olympics committee defers to individual sporting bodies to determine who is eligible to compete.

Yet the IOC disregarded the boxing and chose to use their own criteria.
It is normal for us to fear violence. It is normal for all non-violent people to fear violence including boys and men. It's just that the rational among us are not prepared to stigmatise all men as being violent, especially as the data shows that women are just as capable of violence.

And yet the stats show that sexual and violent offenders are almost exclusively men. Never mind that though, some woman in the Co op lost her sh*t so that's practically the same as the epidemic of male violence we're currently living through.

I see we're back to the ridiculous argument of 'It's only wrong if they actually win' re male advantage in sport.
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Legendary Member
And yet the stats show that sexual and violent offenders are almost exclusively men.

No they are not. You've seen the data published here. In the news in the last couple of weeks, there has been a call to close women's prisons because they are so violent that non-violent prisoners can not be kept safe.

You are in denial, the result of which is that non-violent women are not being made more safe.

Go on tell everyone again - it's the invasion of violent trans women into women's prisons in the UK that's the problem. Only it isn't is it.


Legendary Member
How many 'morons' was that

The Olympics committee defers to individual sporting bodies to determine who is eligible to compete.

Yet the IOC disregarded the boxing and chose to use their own criteria.

Russian Umar Kremlev is the president of the International Boxing Association.

Are you seriously expecting anybody to believe women comit as many rapes and violent assaults as men? Data? You posted one cherry picked stat from one age group in one period in London and think this undermines a century of world wide offending statistics that prove the opposite?

It's been suggested for decades that most women in jail would be better dealt with in the community. That's because they are often already abused, deprived, or addicted, ie vulnerable, and the UK prison system doesn't address this (nor does it for males).

The most common offence for which women are convicted is tv license evasion by the way. Shoplifting accounts for 30% of the offences women are charged with.

The reason they'll shut women's prisons is more likely to be to free up space for violent men.

I actually logged in to post this though. The IOC president gave a press conference and said the boxers aren't dsd, now they've issued a correction that he meant to say the boxers aren't trans, thereby suggesting they are in fact male dsd athletes.

The IOC couldn't make a bigger, more offensive hash of this debacle if they tried.



Legendary Member
Are you seriously expecting anybody to believe women comit as many rapes and violent assaults as men?

I did not say rape now did I? Again you are making stuff up. Try applying reasonable argument.

Surely we don't have to post the data all over again do we? Or do we? The arrest rates of women for violence are shocking. In addition to that we know that men are not nearly so likely to report violent assault committed against them by women; and if they did, they are not likely to be taken seriously.

We also know that the UK's most violent prisons are women's prisons. We also know that it is not the presence of trans women that make them so.

You keep on saying otherwise, but the data does supports your claims. Women are most assaulted by men in their own homes by family members.

We also know that your repeated claim that trans women offend at the same rate as men was always false, just as the lead author of the Swedish Study had said.


Legendary Member
The IOC couldn't make a bigger, more offensive hash of this debacle if they tried.

The IOC have admitted an error.

The revised statement says the two boxers are not transgender. They are still referred to by the IOC as women. It does not follow that they must therefore be men with DSDs as supposed. That is not to say they are or are not, just that the evidence is not present.
I did not say rape now did I?
Men comit 98% of sex offences and 82% of offences of violence against the person. See Ons data below.
Surely we don't have to post the data all over again do we? Or do we? The arrest rates of women for violence are shocking.
Yes, we do have to post the data because you continue to lie about it. Here it is for the most recent year available.

Male violent and sexual offending massively outweighs female offending:


In addition to that we know that men are not nearly so likely to report violent assault committed against them by women; and if they did, they are not likely to be taken seriously.

Perhaps not but given that men are physically much stronger it would very, very unlikely that men are assaulted by women to the same extent that women are assaulted by men. That's simply because it is much easier for men to do and much harder for women to fight back.

We also know that the UK's most violent prisons are women's prisons. We also know that it is not the presence of trans women that make them so.
All prisons are unpleasant. That's not a reason to add men in to the mix. Adding men to women's prisons makes them more unpleasant.

You keep on saying otherwise, but the data does supports your claims. Women are most assaulted by men in their own homes by family members.
Because those men have the most opportunity. They have a victim to hand. You seek to give more men opportunities by giving men access to women only spaces. We know incidents against women and girls go up when spaces are made unisex.

We also know that your repeated claim that trans women offend at the same rate as men was always false, just as the lead author of the Swedish Study had said.
Dhejne said you can't automatically extrapolate from the study's Conclusion, which clearly said that transwomen retain male patterns of offending, that transwomen were a rape risk. That's literally all she said - she hasn't denied or corrected the study's Conclusion at all. The best spin you can put on it is that the second cohort in the study had reduced criminality because they were having psychology support along with cross sex hormones and surgery. Which would be true of any group, ie those who are also getting therapy fare better.
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It does not follow that they must therefore be men with DSDs as supposed. That is not to say they are or are not, just that the evidence is not present.

The sex tests they failed were apparently done at independent CAS accredited laboratories.
Why don't they do a cheek test now? What reason does any athlete competing under such a shadow of perceived advantage have for not doing one? If we were talking about substance doping and an athlete refused such a common test there'd be uproar.
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