Gender again. Sorry!

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Deleted member 159

It still comes down to XX or XY in the vast majority of cases. The Klinefelter syndrome accounts for 0.2% of the population.

They still have Y chromosome


Elder Goth
"Gender parity" was a phrase which Bach mentioned in his closing speech. Hadn't heard it mentioned before so I was interested to discover that it was the first games to feature an equal number of male and female competitors which I think is pretty cool.
Same as when any other man competes in the Women's category. A lot of people aren't happy about it because it's unfair. It's also not news; people have been complaining for 3 years.

In blind sprinting, the female runners always have a male guide, because having a male guide ensures the blind runner never out runs their sighted pacemaker.

Quinn competes in the category appropriate to their sex, so why would anybody care about them? They aren't competing in a category where they have an unfair advantage.

Khelif's trainer has given an interview to a French language newspaper where he admits Khelif 'had a problem with their chromosomes' and has high testosterone. This is basically an admission Khelif is male.

I'll also point out that Petrillo won something like 10 Italian Men's Para athletic titles in the male category. At 50 Petrillo would be uncompetitive against younger men. Petrillo, who has already broken Women's records, will now compete against women in their 20's and 30's.


Elder Goth
Quinn is non-binary and transgender, and self ID's so is taking a place away from a woman which is why I thought people might care.

I guess not though, I suppose they're probably trying to work out how it's possible to be enby and trans.
If you think sex is the relevant factor for sports, Quinn isn't taking a woman's place. Nobody was complaining about H Bacyadan, who self ids as male, boxing in the Women's category either.

Khelif has named Elon Musk and J K Rowling in a law suit on cyber bullying today. Will be interesting to see how that progresses.


Elder Goth
I like Bacyadan, who stuck up for both Khelif and Yu-Ting.

Apparently Trump might be investigated as part of the lawsuit too, although he'll probably find a way to weasel out of it.



Indeed. There was something particularly nasty about all if this. Whilst Olympic boxing judging has been as corrupt as standard judging, they might have been fully right on eligibility here. Remember, the IBA is Russian led and even more suspect than the others.
"The BBC has been unable to determine what the (IBA) eligibility tests consisted of."
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If you think sex is the relevant factor for sports, Quinn isn't taking a woman's place. Nobody was complaining about H Bacyadan, who self ids as male, boxing in the Women's category either.

Khelif has named Elon Musk and J K Rowling in a law suit on cyber bullying today. Will be interesting to see how that progresses.

This seems like serious stuff. Apparently french law allows for 5 years (IIRC) jail as penalty. Donald Trump also cited (amongst others unspecfiied, I think). Because it took me ages to find it, I'm gonna paste the main Rowling tweet here:

Could any picture sum up our new men’s rights movement better? The smirk of a male who’s knows he’s protected by a misogynist sporting establishment enjoying the distress of a woman he’s just punched in the head, and whose life’s ambition he’s just shattered. #Paris2024

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) August 1, 2024


Elder Goth
Her opponents response was pretty classy I thought:

“I’m not very aware of what’s happening outside," Yang said. "My opponent is an exceptional competitor and she performed very well. There are many things I need to learn from her.”
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