Do you know how long she held the world record for?
A cis woman beat her.
(Of course the TERFS say nothing when TW lose

A mediocre male cyclist will beat the best in age group female cyclists because of innate male physical advantage. No surprise there at all. If V Ivy was a really good cyclist their times would be somewhere near the other males times. They aren't. Same as Lia Thomas. National champion in the female class, not even top 100 in the male category (iirc). Male advantage will always triumph where other things (physique, age, training, diet etc) are on a par.
1500 boys and men beat Flo Jo's World Record every year. Because they have the advantage of a male body and a testosterone fueled puberty.
Also, unfair advantage isn't decided on outcome, is it? Lance Armstrong didn't win every race he cheated in; he was still cheating.
There are plenty of transwomen taking places on podiums from women, and the fact that very few transmen succeed in the male category is proof that biological males have an innate advantage.
We've done this aspect of the debate to death. The fact that you choose to defend the indefensible - like a male being able to enter Canadian women's power lifting competitions - when the unfairness is so blindingly obvious, just shows how little you value women's feelings or concerns. Blokes first for you, as always.