For most legal purposes they can be treated as women if they have a GRC. They are not actually women though, even with a GRC. Unless of course you think 'woman' is simply a feeling in someone's head rather than a material physical reality.Trans women with a GRC are legally female.
Except in areas like pushing for access to women's single sex spaces and services. And being in women's prisons. And taking awards, scholarships, places etc. meant for women. And having male crimes attributed to females in the crime stats. And changing the language women use to describe themselves. And displacing women and girls in sports.In practice trans women do no harm to women, do not conflict with the rights of women.
No, not harming women at girls at all.
He's clearly a bell end. As a teacher he is supposed to be encouraging his pupils to achieve as much as they can. That might just involve parking some of his beliefs at home.
Yep. He could have simply avoided using gendered terms if he felt it compromised his own beliefs.