Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
Pleased to hear it.

I'd also give her a slap for trying to ruin her competitive sport in the first place.

Well, maybe not a slap, but certainly a good wigging, as we used to say in the upper sixth form common room.

There was no element of cheating.

Pale Rider

There was no element of cheating.

Only in the sense everyone knew she turned every race she entered into a competitive joke.


Legendary Member

Deleted member 159

If you saw the transphobe sites that Aurora hangs out on you'd be led to believe Thomas had won gold at the Olympics, not some US college swimming gala.

It's not that he won, but took a place away from a woman who didn't get a chance to go to the nationals events. He was in the men's swimming team a year or two before but was average in the male squad.

That's the sporting element

The fact he was allowed to enter women's changing rooms is outrageous and should never be allowed

Laws will be changed to be ban women's safety / privacy being compromised.

It's already beginning to happen in the UK too, world athletics and British cycling excluding all those who are not biological women.

Those who wish to identify as cats , trans, moons are in the open male category

Pale Rider

Funnily enough other women swimmers didn't have need for men or non competitive swimmers to speak for them.

300-Plus Collegiate, Elite Swimmers Sign Letter to NCAA Supporting Lia Thomas​

The letter calls on the NCAA to not adopt USA Swimming’s policy midseason.

Fair enough, although the article says 16 of her teammates anonymously supported a letter calling for the ban to stay in place.

The key word there might be 'anonymously', indicating a reluctance to speak up for fear of people bellowing 'transphobe'.

I can't see any genuinely elite sports man or woman supporting a measure which wrecks their competitive sport, and denies them any chance of winning.

Which is what the job is all about.


Legendary Member
Fair enough, although the article says 16 of her teammates anonymously supported a letter calling for the ban to stay in place.

The key word there might be 'anonymously', indicating a reluctance to speak up for fear of people bellowing 'transphobe'.

I can't see any genuinely elite sports man or woman supporting a measure which wrecks their competitive sport, and denies them any chance of winning.

Which is what the job is all about.

I thought it likely to be some kind of team rivalry. It sure happens; not that I pretend to know in this case.
The fact he was allowed to enter women's changing rooms is outrageous and should never be allowed
If they're trans the correct pronoun is she. In which case what's the issue with being in the women's changing room?

Deleted member 159

Ahh right, another binary absolutist.

If they've had their testicles cut off and their penis turned inside out to make a 'vagina' are they still a bloke?

You could have all the surgery, hormone supplements . If their body was to be dug up after a hundred years and their DNA was examined, it would reveal they were a male.

Every cell in the body has the markers indicating they were male or female.

You cannot change your sex.
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