Gender again. Sorry!

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So you are suggesting the spike in attacks against LGBTQ people (many of whom are men) is down to an increase in misogyny. Ridiculous :laugh:
I'm suggesting that male violence and male attitudes are the problem. But it's only a problem for you when that male violence involves trans people.

Who's doing all these attacks? Feminists or blokes that have found another convenient excuse to be aggressive?

For somebody who was gleeful over Kellie Jay Keen being assaulted and who refuses to condemn the violence and intimidation from male transactivists, you certainly have a cheek pontificating over any incidence of male violence. Some of it you are absolutely fine with.

Ian H

Legendary Member
You sound like a Collins pocket dictionary kind of guy.

Is that a Collins dictionary in your pocket, or... ?


But it's only a problem for you when that male violence involves trans people.

That is just you lying again. You can't help yourself can you.

Who's doing all these attacks? Feminists or blokes that have found another convenient excuse to be aggressive?

And who is providing them with the excuse? Remember anti-LGBTQ hate crimes have spiked. You are wilfully ignoring this. If, as you say, it's just standard misogyny, then logically you are also saying misogyny has spiked.

For somebody who was gleeful over Kellie Jay Keen being assaulted and who refuses to condemn the violence and intimidation from male transactivists, you certainly have a cheek pontificating over any incidence of male violence. Some of it you are absolutely fine with.

She had tomoto sauce poured on her hair. This is a bit different to the violent beatings trans people face, egged on by the likes of Kellie Jay Keen.
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That is just you lying again. You can't help yourself can you. And who is providing them with the excuse? Remember anti-LGBTQ hate crimes have spiked. You are wilfully ignoring this. If, as you say, it's just standard misogyny, then logically you are also saying misogyny has spiked.
You think feral gangs of male youths need much encouragement to intimidate women?
'If only it wasn't for those pesky feminists the lads wouldn't be violent....'
She had tomoto sauce poured on her hair. This is a bit different to the violent beatings trans people face, egged on by the likes of Kellie Jay Keen.
She was mobbed by an aggressive crowd and would likely have been seriously injured if not removed. At the same meeting an elderly women was punched and had a skull fracture. It's male violence and intimidation. You cheer it on against people you don't like but use it to point score when it suits.

The only time you have any interest in the behaviour of aggressive males towards women is when it suits your misogyny or when it's on your own residential street. Then it's a big deal.


Master of the Inane Comment
People can be ignorant and think of gender identity as a 'delusion' if they wish. It seems hysterical to me though when it comes from the mouth of someone who identifies as a Christian but defends their wish to say shitty things to other people.
I would never defend saying shitty things to other people, meaning not caring about being unkind or the effect their words can have. The truth needs to be spoken in love, but it does need to be spoken.

That said it seems to me we are living in a society where far too many can't cope with hearing things they disagree with.
The idea of there being a universal God is laughable to me when so much hate is perpetuated by religious groups against both other religious groups,
The biblical God has told us to love our neighbour as ourselves. No-one else does. The hate comes from within man, that is where the problem lies.
So many of the rest of us just want to live in peace, but you won't let us, and you continue to ram your ideology down our throats
The irony of this is that Christians are losing their jobs because they won't go along with a current ideology. But then they are God-botherers, so who cares. If Christians mustn't ram their faith down other people's throats, them surely this cuts both ways. There is no moral obligation to accept transgenderism. Diversity means allowing more than one opinion or take.

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were saying marriage is between a man and woman until a little over a decade ago. Maintaining this is not necessarily even a religious view.
I lash out at adults making ridiculous arguments when they have capacity to do better.
Doesn't lashing out at adults rather undermine your objection to saying shitty things to people? ...

The transgender advocates were giving the mike to articulate a defence of their views by Walsh, and imo lamentably failed to do so. I don't think you can blame editing for this. I was particularly struck by their failure to be able to handle Walsh basing his ideas on 'truth'.


Legendary Member
She was mobbed by an aggressive crowd and would likely have been seriously injured if not removed. At the same meeting an elderly women was punched and had a skull fracture. It's male violence and intimidation. You cheer it on against people you don't like but use it to point score when it suits.

The only time you have any interest in the behaviour of aggressive males towards women is when it suits your misogyny or when it's on your own residential street. Then it's a big deal.

You've taken a wrong turn. This has little to do with a woman sitting outside a cafe in Dublin.

The Dublin case perfectly exemplifies the kind of incitement to othering whipped up by the likes of Parker and yourself.

In Parker's own case she turned up with a little band of supporters. She made a video outside while sitting in the car saying how terrified she was and how brave she was about to be. She knew in advance that she would not be made welcome. She employed her own security. She had some tomato food product or other put in hair. She was not a target because of her sex, but because of the vile tripe that comes out of her mouth. She is no innocent, and neither are you.
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You think feral gangs of male youths need much encouragement to intimidate women?
'If only it wasn't for those pesky feminists the lads wouldn't be violent....'

I'll say it again:

Violence against LGBTQ people has spiked.

The only time you have any interest in the behaviour of aggressive males towards women is when it suits your misogyny or when it's on your own residential street. Then it's a big deal.

Saying the same lie twice doesn't make it any more truer, Aurora.


Legendary Member
The biblical God has told us to love our neighbour as ourselves. No-one else does. The hate comes from within man, that is where the problem lies.
Two things wrong with this ..

Christians do not always practise what they preach.

Article 1 of the UNDHR says it well enough ... we don't need no bibles, thanks.
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Legendary Member
Mr and Mrs Noah, Snr.

That's the problem for you isn't it. Between the seven generations (?) between Adam and Eve and Noah, you can't find any women.

So between all of you various theories have been invented. Adam was a hermaphrodite. One son married is imaginary sister. Adam landed on earth with an operating theatre so that he could fashion a woman from one of his own ribs, and so on.

As for Noah, he made an ark out of wood without tools. Still it was good enough to keep the woodpeckers in. And what about the freshwater fish, how did they survive, or did he invent glass to keep them in. With all those species of fish, must have been one hell of an ark - or was this the first design of a multi-story carp ark (two gags for the price of one there).

You might tell, I really can't take this stuff seriously. But said sincerely, you are welcome to believe in it.

'Praise be to Biggles' - that's me anticipating the future of humanity after the next impending flood.
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Legendary Member
Doesn't lashing out at adults rather undermine your objection to saying shitty things to people? ...

The transgender advocates were giving the mike to articulate a defence of their views by Walsh, and imo lamentably failed to do so. I don't think you can blame editing for this. I was particularly struck by their failure to be able to handle Walsh basing his ideas on 'truth'.

If people say shitty things, they are not in a strong position to object to hearing some home truths are they? The bounds of polite discourse have already been crossed.

I don't recognise me saying anything about Walsh and editing. You sure that was me?
You've taken a wrong turn. This has little to do with a woman sitting outside a cafe in Dublin.
It has everything to do with male violence, male harassment, and male intimidation.
In Parker's own case she turned up with a little band of supporters. She made a video outside while sitting in the car saying how terrified she was and how brave she was about to be. She knew in advance that she would not be made welcome. She employed her own security. She had some tomato food product or other put in hair.
Women were meeting, as they were allowed to do within the law. Some people didn't like it.
It has everything to do with male violence, male harassment, and male intimidation.

She was not a target because of her sex, but because of the vile tripe that comes out of her mouth. She is no innocent, and neither are you.
Violence and intimidation is acceptable when it's against people you don't like. KJK and the feactured skull woman got what they deserved apparently. Got it.

'Look what you made me do......'

I'll say it again: Violence against LGBTQ people has spiked. Saying the same lie twice doesn't make it any more truer, Aurora.

Once again, who is doing all this violence and intimidation? Men. You've shown no interest in addressing male violence towards women except when you can parade it for your own purposes.

I appreciate you posting this stuff though. It's just more evidence of why women need spaces away from men. Expecting women to shut up just because men will be violent is just another facet of your misogyny.


Legendary Member
'Look what you made me do......'
That's a moronic argument.

Your angry mob say they are pushing back against the gains made by trans people. But if people push back against your ideology, you slide into incoherency - not for the first time mind.

The examples of trans people hurting women are very few and far between. The examples of trans people being assaulted, raped and murdered are everyday occurrences.

And as you already know, there are women being assaulted because people perceive them to be other.

Pale Rider

I'll say it again:

Violence against LGBTQ people has spiked.

If that's so, either those minded to attack LGBTQ have upped their offending rate, or more people who were previously not minded to do such attacks are now doing so.

I suspect it's the latter.

The majority of citizens couldn't care less about all this gender stuff, providing it has no impact on them.

In the last few years, that impact on others is being increasingly felt, thus more people are losing patience with having their lives interfered with, being lectured, and generally told how they should think and act.
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