What's the actual problem with Kayla?
So Kayla is simply a proud transwoman, living their authentic life?
My first thought, apart from whether she's any good as a teacher, is how a school might react to a natal female with prosthetic Z cups like that.
I have no doubt whatsoever that in a school a woman teacher would be told to remove them if they were prosthetic or dress more appropriately if they had naturally large breasts.
In my mind they, and the way she wears them, are more of an issue than her being trans.
And once you ignore the absurdity of those there's no reason why she shouldn't use the same toilets etc as any other female.
So in your opinion Kayla is a transwoman, not, as has been suggested, either a man with a fetish or a man trying to get himself sacked so that he can get a big pay off? And if the women staff think this is just a man with a fetish?
This is just nonsense, Bromptonaut. You know it but you have gone down the 'You are who you say you are' route so you have no alternative but to defend something as ridiculous as the situation with this teacher.
What's 'absurd' about huge breasts bought from a fetish shop? Surely Karla is simply making her outside match how she feels inside? If you don't object to 11 year olds on puberty blockers you can't really object to huge prosthetic breasts. If you are going to be consistent, both are making trans people feel like their authentic selves.