Monkerd is in the camp of sex is assigned at birth.
Actually sex is confirmed at birth or earlier
Male and female, you can't change sex, no matter what you may think or want.
Those who believe a piece of paper confirming their decision to change sex are mentally ill
Don't presume to know what I think. If you want to know what I think, then actually take the trouble to read and consider what I write.
As is always the case with you, you are wrong.
I have said, sex is recorded at birth by no other method than the presence of a visible penis. This method works most of the time, but not all of the time. If it's so important to accurately establish at birth, why isn't a more reliable method used?
''Sex assigned at birth'' appears in legal jargon. If one is referencing what the law says, then this is the thing to say. It is not evidence that I am of that opinion.
Neither have I ever said that it is possible to change every aspect of a person's sex. The record here shows.
What I have said is that the law provides for people to apply for state recognition of the gender identity which is one aspect of their self-knowledge. It also provides that their birth certificate be altered to ensure that the legal paperwork is congruent. In this way the legal sex of the person is changed to be a congruent identity with their gender identity.
So thicko, if you have nothing more than ignorance and bigotry, then you should just fark off.