Legendary Member
If you can't change it then there are only males and females. You are what you are when born.
A simple observation is sufficient in 99.999° % of births, it would be just cruel to subject a child to a blood test/swab when a quick look confirms.
If you become confused, normally amplified by social influence, then psychological/psychiatric care is recommended. By the time the person is in their early 20s they're happy with their body and commonly exhibit either lesbian or gay attraction.
There is no need to chop of healthy body parts, take life long hormone altering drugs.
Just give it time 👍
Re: the bolded part. Actually none of us are, not just trans folk.
I'm not calling for tests - I asked a question; if determining sex is so important at birth why rely on the one so-called test of looking for a penis. We know this is not an accurate test, and we know this plays badly for intersex people. The prevalence of the whole range of intersex conditions is said to be about the same rate as people with ginger hair - so more like 2% than 0.001%. Be honest you just clutched that number from thin air didn't you.
Anabel Giles the model / TV presenter / writer died yesterday. I knew her slightly over a period of a few years. Why am I telling you this?
Well if we say sex is immutable and a binary, that women and girls are XX and men and boys are XY, then we have reduced her sons existence to non-human in the process. You see Ted (signs himself Tedd now) is an XYY man. This was confirmed by sampling a piece of his liver while still in the womb. It's time to stop this pursuit for purity because it is harmful, and was an aim of the Nazis (yes I'm saying it). Being born in a different place in a different time Tedd would have been put to death if detected. I remember Farage once saying that the unborn babies detected with Downs syndrome should be terminated by statute, but again there is denial from some that this is fascist-like behaviour.
Sex actually is bimodal because there are variations in human sex.
You really are a special kind of clown when you - a person with no apparent understanding of human development or medicine - thinks that their own opinion trumps the opinions of the world experts who report to the WHO, because of so-called 'common sense'.
Aurora on one hand pleas to follow the science, but then rejects the science when it is presented to her, because like you, without too much understanding of the scientific process feels she knows best.
It isn't that I know enough of the science to be able to say that 'I know this to be true. I just need to know that what you are saying is wrong and fuelled by bigotry.