Gender again. Sorry!

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Elder Goth
Not really. I said I didn't know why you would be on a forum for Mums. Both you and Andy pointed out it's more of a general parents forum these days, so that's fair enough.

I don't think you go there to 'perve off' (not a phrase I'm familiar with but no need to explain). I think you do sound like you want a medal for doing what a million people do every day, including on CC, which is give their unsolicited thoughts on stuff on the Internet.

What I mostly think though is that you are completely oblivious to how strongly many women feel about these issues and how insulting your views might appear to them.

It is, and always has been, self described as being "by parents, for parents". It's a shame large parts of it have been hijacked.


Elder Goth
That's all well and good, and I'm glad that they're comfortable with who they are. Doesn't mean that people "grow out" of being trans, because that's not how it works for everyone, despite what you seem to believe.


Legendary Member
Doesn't mean that people "grow out" of being trans, because that's not how it works for everyone, despite what you seem to believe.
I don't think anyone believes that. I do think that a lot of people believe that many youngsters who consider themselves to be trans are actually not trans - just confused, and also that many people challenge the whole idea of "trans" as a concept in the first place.


Elder Goth
I don't think anyone believes that. I do think that a lot of people believe that many youngsters who consider themselves to be trans are actually not trans - just confused, and also that many people challenge the whole idea of "trans" as a concept in the first place.

Andy has repeatedly said exactly that, so if we're to take him at his word then that's what he believes.

I see your point about confusion, but I don't think anyone claims to be trans lightly, and I don't believe they're guided down that path without the circumstances being fully acknowledged or explored.


For youngsters, I believe there is a huge pressured influence from social media.

Maybe for adults, I mean >25yrs it's more a dysphoria that needs investigating, assessing.

I'll say it again if you're an adult do what you like to your body.


Elder Goth
Is that like the sporting version of Mrs. Brown's Boys or something?

Made by The Daily Wire who I see are coming out with a right-wing version of the Snow White live-action remake next year.

Sadly, there will be those who lap this sort of p!sh up, and it will add nothing constructive to anyone's point of view.
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