There's a fatal flaw in your argument.
But you aren't going to point it out? Is there a prize for guessing what you think it is?
There's a fatal flaw in your argument.
But you aren't going to point it out? Is there a prize for guessing what you think it is?
If difference is good then why so much emphasis on fitting in and being the same?
It leapt out at me. Trans people are not asking you to change your pronouns, or calling you by anything other than your pronouns.
As you say, trans people are a tiny number, so why are there people saying it's a major problem? You've just shown why it isn't.
Mostly trans people just have pronouns that fit with the way they present, so it's actually nearly always really easy.
I agree that when people invent unique pronouns it becomes more difficult to remember, but they are just a tiny minority of a tiny minority.
Large organisations are spending millions each year to 'educate/brow beat' normal folk to speak in ways that are alien to such a tiny minority.
Large organisations are spending millions each year to 'educate/brow beat' normal folk to speak in ways that are alien to such a tiny minority.
No need - common sense innit.Define "normal folk".
'Normal' has no fixed value; it becomes flexible according to the degree of intoxication of psycho-active mind bending substances, the audience present at the time of 'unnatural opinions' being let forth, and the desires of the person to further their wealth or reputation. It is also cemented by a desire by each individual not to be found out doing the things they do in secret, so over compensation becomes a feature in the expression of what is 'normal'.
What is the difference between a straight man and a gay man?
About three pints.
About three hours later - 'tell anyone and I'll kill yer.'
'It's only a one off' (that is until the next time).
Does that include your own?![]()
One I've heard is "People doing things the same way as me, but there's loads of normal people doing things their way, different to how I do things."I'm pretty sure I've said this on this thread before but if I haven't:
Define "normal folk".
Good luck.
It's usually by their behaviour. We deal with racism and homophobia by looking at behaviour, not by ending our email with:-How else are large organisations going to manage to successfully manage bigots in their workplaces? Should they just sack them all? Or is 'normal folk' a euphemism for bigots?
It's usually by their behaviour. We deal with racism and homophobia by looking at behaviour, not by ending our email with:-
Skin Colour: White Racial Origin: British
Preferred sexuality: Heterosexual