Now you love a binary. If the two of us were committed for joint enterprise is some crime or another, I would tick sex:female, gender identity:female and go straight into the women's prison. On the other hand you'd have to tick sex:female, gender identity
ther. You'd find yourself having to face those hearings wondering what prison you'll end up in. Cool, huh?
It's not really a question of ticking the box you fancy:
"The presumption (from 2023) is that all male prisoners who identify as women with intact male genitalia, or who have a current or previous conviction for any violent or sexual offence (not just against women or girls) should not be held in the general women’s estate. This applies equally to those with and without a GRC: those without a GRC will be held in the male estate; those with a GRC may be held in E Wing at HMP Downview. Exemptions to this can only be considered on recommendation of a Complex Case Board where there is a high level of confidence that the individual poses a low level of harm to women in prison."
I would be recorded as Sex: Female (because I am, legally and biologically
). If I left the Gender box blank, I'd go to the women's prison by default, no 'hearings' required.
Where you go, Monica, and whether you require a 'hearing' ie case board to get there, would depend on your biological sex, your legal sex ie if you have a GRC, your crime, and whether you have retained male genitalia, other risk factors. Obviously I know where I would be allocated. We don't know where you would go because we don't have all the above details.