Gender again. Sorry!

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Not at all. Gay people fought for decades to have same sex attraction recognised as valid. To tell lesbians that men can be lesbians is insulting and a bit homophobic.

Nobody is telling lesbians anything.
You are policing other people's relationships and trying to exploit lesbians in your wish to spread division.

It's just so you :laugh:
If you write "What is your gender identity" on a survey, very few people are going to refuse to answer. For NHS Data returns we have to capture gender identity which will be the same as biological gender unless someone has specified otherwise. Some patients will be asked "what do you identify as" and they will just answer male or female. For others it might be "and what does your dad identify as?" to which the baffled answer will be most likely "male" or " he barely identifies as anything given the fact that he has been sectioned under the mental health act due to his dementia".

Only in your head. In mine, I am just using the facilities designed for me.
Never yet been asked how my parents identify, and I don't believe they'd have the legal right to ask one patient how another identifies.


Legendary Member
Not policing it. Simply explaining that 2 men can't be lesbians, because if you think they are then really you're just taking the p*ss out of actual lesbians.

I'm a lesbian. I couldn't give a flying fark if anyone else says they are. Crikey I'd like a tenner for each time a chap has sidled up to me in the pub and told me that he's a lesbian, just with 'an organic strap-on'.

I don't need you to protect the word on my behalf thanks Aurora - you're going too far.


Legendary Member
If you write "What is your gender identity" on a survey, very few people are going to refuse to answer. For NHS Data returns we have to capture gender identity which will be the same as biological gender unless someone has specified otherwise. Some patients will be asked "what do you identify as" and they will just answer male or female. For others it might be "and what does your dad identify as?" to which the baffled answer will be most likely "male" or " he barely identifies as anything given the fact that he has been sectioned under the mental health act due to his dementia".

Only in your head. In mine, I am just using the facilities designed for me.

You are playing with words. People were not 'refusing to answer', they are exercising their choice. The question was marked as 'optional'.

We're switching between people claiming the right to check another person's genitalia, and them taking offence when facing optional questions on a Census.


Legendary Member
AuroraSaab said
I'm a person whose sex is female, the adult version of which is a woman.

I don't identify as female because being female is not an identity. I could be in a coma and I'd still be female. How arrogant of you to tell people how they identify though....

hahahahahahah ... you should be on the stage fruitloops.
I don't need you to protect the word on my behalf thanks Aurora - you're going too far.

I'm not protecting it on your behalf. As we know you like to redefine words as and when it suits, which is what you're doing here.
Lesbians are same sex attracted biological women. Unfortunately it's necessary to put biological in there for clarity because people like you have redefined the actual word 'women'. Two transwomen aren't lesbians because by definition they aren't same sex attracted women.


Legendary Member
I'm not protecting it on your behalf. As we know you like to redefine words as and when it suits, which is what you're doing here.
Lesbians are same sex attracted biological women. Unfortunately it's necessary to put biological in there for clarity because people like you have redefined the actual word 'women'. Two transwomen aren't lesbians because by definition they aren't same sex attracted women.

Thanks for telling me what lesbians are. Honestly I was clueless before. (that's sarcasm just to help out the stupid).

If somebody is male and says they are a lesbian, they haven't taken away my self-knowledge. If I choose to sleep with a male who says he is a lesbian with an organic strap on - I will. Honestly I really don't need your help.

Oh and by the way, I haven't redefined the word woman. No woman has had her gender identity erased by anybody else. And why are you so protective of other women's gender identity, when you don't know what one is?

I could invent some new words if I put my mind to it though. Oh here's one ... 'cockwomble' ... someone who is always wombling on about other people's cocks.

How about 'evangenital christians' ... a bit more self-explanatory that one.
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Legendary Member
As for this notion that male and female are not identities. Here's a tip, check your primary source of legal identity - yes your passport. It has a marker for sex.
If somebody is male and says they are a lesbian, they haven't taken away my self-knowledge.
Nothing to do with self-knowledge. It's to do with words having meaning and a clear definition. Self-identify or self-know all you like. It doesn't change the reality. Words of course can change organically over time but what we're seeing here isn't an evolving of what the word 'lesbian' means over time. It's an imposed redefinition that makes a nonsense of what the word actually means and what the gay community fought for decades to have recognised.

If I choose to sleep with a male who says he is a lesbian with an organic strap on - I will. Honestly I really don't need your help. Oh and by the way, I haven't redefined the word woman. No woman has had her gender identity erased by anybody else. And why are you so protective of other women's gender identity, when you don't know what one is?
I could invent some new words if I put my mind to it though. Oh here's one ... 'cockwomble' ... someone who is always wombling on about other people's cocks.
How about 'evangenital christians' ... a bit more self-explanatory that one.
TLDR. Something about men having sex and some bad grammar.


Legendary Member
Nothing to do with self-knowledge. It's to do with words having meaning and a clear definition. Self-identify or self-know all you like. It doesn't change the reality. Words of course can change organically over time but what we're seeing here isn't an evolving of what the word 'lesbian' means over time. It's an imposed redefinition that makes a nonsense of what the word actually means and what the gay community fought for decades to have recognised.

TLDR. Something about men having sex and some bad grammar.

But nothing compared to your cockwombling essays.
Hmmmm. As I recall it's you who's regaled us several times over with accounts of transwomen's genitalia. Writing weird stuff on CC is very much your thing not mine.


Legendary Member
Hmmmm. As I recall it's you who's regaled us several times over with accounts of transwomen's genitalia. Writing weird stuff on CC is very much your thing not mine.

Apparently you've used the word 'penis' 53 times here. That's impressive cockwombling.

You've used the word 'vagina' only nine times.

I think Freud might have had you down as a case of a woman with 'penis envy'.
Well this thread has mostly turned into being about transwomen so it's not surprising the word penis has had quite a few mentions (Whoops! There's another one) seeing as the two things are inevitably related. I mean, it's possession is literally a requirement for being a transwoman, initially anyway. C'est la pe, I suppose.


Legendary Member
Well this thread has mostly turned into being about transwomen so it's not surprising the word penis has had quite a few mentions (Whoops! There's another one) seeing as the two things are inevitably related. I mean, it's possession is literally a requirement for being a transwoman, initially anyway. C'est la pe, I suppose.

You just had to slip one in didn't you ... oops Freudian slip.
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