Would it matter if I am doing none of those things, such as sending threats to celebrities who have differing opinions to me or am I lumbered in that same camp anyway because it's really is a tribe of even a team effort?
I really don't understand your line of thought here. I have constantly argued that we should be having open discussion about these issues and that it is unfair to polarise and accuse one group of people of being "TERFS" etc without considering their viewpoint. It is not acceptable that people send death threats and rape threats to a famous author who was a victim of domestic violence and has a view, any more than it is acceptable to send them to India Willoughby because she is a somewhat loud mouthed and unpleasant transwoman.
Both "sides" in this are guilty of having people who overreach and go to far, whether it's extremists associating with KJK or trans groups trying to "cancel" events or people, or stifle discussion at universities.
It seems to matter that I am accused of being firmly in the GC or transphobe camp, despite having a somewhat middle ground opinion, which I have stated many times. For the record I have no issue with transmen or transwomen, but I do think we should have care around prescribing medical interventions to children and young people, and I do think that we should more strongly look in to the risks associated with allowing transwomen into women's spaces and ensure that safeguards are in place. I think we should be looking much more firmly into the motives of male prisoners / offenders suddenly deciding that they are women. Mostly, I think we should be openly discussing these things and listening to people rather than trying to silence people.