Beyond feminism
O'er the wide water there lies a broad field
of true companionship
where you can fark amongst the wheatstalks
stucktistic titties akimbo
and twiddle your diddle, top, bottom and middle
liberally peppered with pubes
There is no dry road, high or low
to take you to this clipper country though
Back to the thread...
I had in mind a lot of quotes to debunk, but my good old computer baulked at the memory load, so I'll have a go on the fly.
I think someone said that philosophy consists in rendering ideas in simplest terms. No. Philosophy is an attempt to apply sound reasoning to difficult and important questions - perhaps the anathema of social media.
I mentioned previously that I think the Trans/Terf dichotomy is a false one. Now 'GenderCritical' has been used as an insulting label too. Probably most of you are younger than me, so not lucky enough to grow up in the 60's and 70's when liberation movements felt within reach of fundamental change. My mum was a student in '68 and I read her books. She gave me an androgenous name. I was encouraged to think that there were no differences in expectations for girls or boys in work, dress or play. As far as I was concerned there was no essential difference in the brain. I don't want to be told now that I was wrong.
I don't want to be told that men are inherently louder or more violent either. If some are that way I believe it is because they have been 'socialised' into it.
When I went to secondary school I got a lot of flack for non-conformity - mostly from other girls. I stuck up for myself but it left me feeling bad. Who is to say how much we are influenced when very young to conform to other people's ideas of gender or sexuality, and feel bad much sooner and deeper?
So I ask if gender dysphoria is an unmediated phenomenon? Can every young person who feels bad about their body image be sure that is because they are in the wrong body, or could it be that the new media plus their near ones' conscious or unconscious bias has got into their mind? Dangerous question in these times but I ask it. Unless we can change society and make it a free field of play we may never know.
In either case could we not more actively try to be better to each other? People are using personal abuse as a debating substitute. Hoist by our own petards. This is not going to forward tolerance or liberation.
Hi Farfromtheland
N here- the niece of monkers and a woman with a long trans history. Thank you for an interesting post.
You may have in mind what Monkers has said about philosophers. She often says that she is frustrated by some modern day academic philosophers who will abuse their position and bastardise the art of true philosophy. She complains that the use of false dichotomies, deceptive argument, application of razors, etc are willfully and skillfully applied to produce what is taken for persuasive argument. I see her point and am inclined to agree with her.
I agree with you concerning the Trans / Terf dichotomy being a false one. The argument is a chiefly a political one between groups of people concerning the rights of trans people. Personally I am not involved in argument with those campaigning for the removal or reduction of the human rights of trans people.
The body dysmorphia presentation is a false one. I have never personally met with any person with a trans history who subscribes to the view that their brain was 'allocated', so to speak, to a wrong body. This is an intended misdirection which stems from a now somewhat hackneyed line that intended some promotion of understanding. I don't believe it was ever intended to be literal. In the past some trans people have said, to paraphrase them, ''imagine being trapped in the wrong body''. Misdirection is then applied to produce the line ''born in the wrong body'' with attempts to further ridicule trans people.
There is no one person who can speak for all people with some degree of gender variance, and I will not attempt it. Over time there have been any number of personal stories which bring about a set of the more common narratives. None of us have exactly the same drivers, be they related to our overall sense of self, be that sexual or social, together or in varying proportions.
This is exemplified in the range of manifestations experienced and the responses to them. Within my own circle of friends, there is diverse range of responses to their experiences in terms of treatments opted for, treatments rejected, along with the whole range of preferences for sexual partners. The attempt to fit all trans people into boxes to say they are ''all like this'' is not simply a failure to understand, but a strategy to demonise all trans people as desperate and dangerous. It is very easy to identify those utilising this strategy; they tend to be the busiest and loudest of people. They are easily spotted on this thread. The 'protection of women and girls' is a ruse. Women and girls will invariably be on the receiving end treatments ranging from unwelcome attention to the most extreme forms of violent and sexual abuses at some point in their lives. Typically this will come from cisgender men and women, but also in a very small number of cases from trans people; what you may consider to be outlier cases which through alarmist measures become headline cases.
I must end here, having not given myself time to read this back it must stand as it is, errors and all.