Gender again. Sorry!

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Women/girls wont be able to tell who is a predator versus a non perverted TiM.

That's why the separate facilities have always been the norm- to protect women and girls



Elder Goth
Women/girls wont be able to tell who is a predator versus a non perverted TiM.

That's why the separate facilities have always been the norm- to protect women and girls


How do you analyse a pervert?


Elder Goth
Its down to women and girls to decide what they consider frightening/disturbing.

Hence so there is no misunderstanding's, that's why males are excluded from females spaces.

Get it now :okay:

Ooooh, are you 'splaining to me?

I'll be honest, it wasn't great.

Try harder next time hun.


Senior Member
This is bs. I have repeatedly said men have as much right to single sex spaces as women. It's up to them if they want women admitted; I can't consent for them. You can surely see that the risk of assault is less though because women comit only 2% of sex offences and physically are less powerful than males. The biggest risk to boys in a Men's changing room is men. You want women to have that risk too.
It's BS of your making though. You keep on stating that figure, but it's not as clear cut as you make out. Assault and sexual offences are recorded separately.

Simply not true. Lots of people have carer visits am and pm. They deserve single sex care if they want it.

There are male doctors these days, I believe...
And most of those visiting carers are women are they not?

Have I ever said there were no male doctors?
You divert away from the point raised, because you can't answer it.

Your system involves allowing just certain men in women's spaces and services, which is the epitome of giving a group of special men treatment 'over and above' what other men get.
If the law of the land recognises them as women, then they have the legal right to be treated as such do they not? Or doesn't this apply to those subsets* of people that you keep on breaking folk into.
*And it is only yourself that is doing this.
I used to think your view was because of some misplaced sympathy for what you think are an oppressed group. It's obvious though that really you feel bitter about how you were treated by women, whether it's this surgeon or those women who were rude to you in the waiting room. So now all women everywhere have to be punished by having men in their spaces. No thanks.
I'm in one of those "oppressed" groups. And I've tried to help others in a similar situation out over the years. Often by making them aware of the fact that they are not the only ones going through something like this.
The female specialist was in 2014. The gobby women in the waiting area was in 2016 and 2017. The after hours visits cost extra in staffing hours. Money that could have been better spent elsewhere. But a few gobby females saw to it that the trust had to spend extra on my treatment.
How those events clouded my attitude before they happened is impossible to work out.
And as I've previously said, it was just a very vocal minority that annoyed me. Feeling that they had the right to dictate what treatment I should receive.
Their shouting made it harder on the staff and other patients there. But you can't see that.

I was on a mixed surgical ward in '99 for cancer, and the attitude of the women in that ward was supportive. A little shocked that I could be as open as I was about it, but being open about it might just make it easier for the next person they come across with it.
It's BS of your making though. You keep on stating that figure, but it's not as clear cut as you make out. Assault and sexual offences are recorded separately.
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As shown previously, that's one year, one city (London), one age group (under 24's iirc), and not sex crimes. The national figures, for every country in the world, for sexual and violent offences, show men comit most of them. So enough of your Women Are Just As Bad bs.

And most of those visiting carers are women are they not?
There are obvious economic and social reasons why carers are mostly women. Both M and F should be able to have same sex carers if they wish. You seek to deny them that.

If the law of the land recognises them as women, then they have the legal right to be treated as such do they not? Or doesn't this apply to those subsets* of people that you keep on breaking folk into.
It doesn't though. Exemptions are allowed, like carers and prisons. You don't think they should be but they are. That's what women are campaigning to guarantee and what you are trying to undermine.


Senior Member
As shown previously, that's one year, one city (London), one age group (under 24's iirc), and not sex crimes. The national figures, for every country in the world, for sexual and violent offences, show men comit most of them. So enough of your Women Are Just As Bad bs.

There are obvious economic and social reasons why carers are mostly women. Both M and F should be able to have same sex carers if they wish. You seek to deny them that.

It doesn't though. Exemptions are allowed, like carers and prisons. You don't think they should be but they are. That's what women are campaigning to guarantee and what you are trying to undermine.
No, the only split in that piece is by sex, as it clearly shows. No other split let alone by age, or even location.
Sexual Offences is clearly stated on the left, illustrated on the bar char on the right.
Violence against the person shows that women have a 25% increased offending rate when compared to men. That would mean that women are more violent than men.

No I don't. You keep on spouting this nonsense that you know what I do and what I think, but you're no-where close.

Because I'm not supporting your case I'm oppressing women!
Do explain how?
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