Gender again. Sorry!

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That's not what I was pointing out. Have you not noticed that these paedo men all have something in common?

Have a look. It can't be a coincidence.

Deleted member 159

That's not what I was pointing out. Have you not noticed that these paedo men all have something in common?

Have a look. It can't be a coincidence.

Haven't got time, explain. I'll be back later today :okay:


Legendary Member
That's what we've been saying these men are now using trans as a gateway to access women and girls

Deviants the lot of them

Women and girls should be at all costs protected in their safe spaces. Why you cant acknowledge this is baffling

Rowley of the Met Police says that there are 4 million men sex offenders in the UK. Therefore, 'men - deviants the lot of them'.

That's not my thinking, but by extension it is your own. It reveals something about you.


Elder Goth
It was not just a ''crossbow guy'' but an revengefull ex. an important difference, but to be honest i think it's a bit cheap to drag current events in. I'm regularly in Bushey(the village where this happened) and i can tell you people are devastated but hey, don't let that stop you from making an point right? (pointless too)

Sorry, but how on earth is bringing current events in "cheap"? Most of what's brought up in this thread is a current event.

What's actually a pointless observation is that you're regularly in Bushey. So what?

The point, which is absolutely correct, is that men are the real threat to women (and society in general), far more regularly than anyone trans.
Wow. That's a long list of men. What a lot of men. So many males!

I wonder what the common denominator is amongst all those persons? What feature do they share, even if they changed their names?

Why was it so easy to find men called Andrew amongst sex offenders? Is it because there are so many men who commit sex offences that any common male name is going to throw up a lot of examples?

Those men have something more in common than just the same name, don't they? Something more relevant in terms of sexual offending?

If we were to look at every sex offender in UK jails I bet there would be more men called Andrew in the list than there are women of any name.

I see you included a trans identified male in the list. Kind of proves the point. The common denominator in sex offending is almost always that the offender is male. Their name or gender identity isn't the relevant factor; their sex is.
That's not what I was pointing out. Have you not noticed that these paedo men all have something in common?

Have a look. It can't be a coincidence.

Wow. That's a long list of men. What a lot of men. So many males!

I wonder what the common denominator is amongst all those persons? What feature do they share, even if they changed their names?

Why was it so easy to find men called Andrew amongst sex offenders? Is it because there are so many men who commit sex offences that any common male name is going to throw up a lot of examples?

Those men have something more in common than just the same name, don't they? Something more relevant in terms of sexual offending?

If we were to look at every sex offender in UK jails I bet there would be more men called Andrew in the list than there are women of any name.

I see you included a trans identified male in the list. Kind of proves the point. The common denominator in sex offending is almost always that the offender is male. Their name or gender identity isn't the relevant factor; their sex is.
The point, which is absolutely correct, is that men are the real threat to women (and society in general), far more regularly than anyone trans.

Yes, it's men, regardless of their name or how they identify.

'Anyone trans' remains the sex they were born.
Unless you can show that something magical takes place when someone utters the words 'I'm trans now' there is no justification to treat trans people as any different to others of the same sex in situations where sex is relevant, ie single sex spaces/services and safeguarding.


Better seperate men from women everywhere then, hadn't we.

Weird how nobody is getting murdered in toilets or changing rooms where men can just walk in. Almost as if it's completely missing the point and is a total red-herring.

Attempting to ban TW from changing rooms and toilets will do nothing to further the safety of women. Absolutely nothing. All it does is indulges a handful of bigots.

Nice to see you back, Aurora. Hope you recovered from the absolute hammering you took last weekend ;)
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Legendary Member
Yes, it's men, regardless of their name or how they identify.

'Anyone trans' remains the sex they were born.
Unless you can show that something magical takes place when someone utters the words 'I'm trans now' there is no justification to treat trans people as any different to others of the same sex in situations where sex is relevant, ie single sex spaces/services and safeguarding.

Yet so many women choose to live with men. I'm not going to criticise these women for their lifestyle choices, but it is worth noting that this choice places them in the way of harm. Seems that these women only want men for their bodies.

Caution for the hard of thinking - this post may contain actual sarcasm.
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Weird how nobody is getting murdered in toilets or changing rooms where men can just walk in. Almost as if it's completely missing the point and is a total red-herring.
Unisex spaces are far less safe for women and girls than single sex ones. We are know this, stats prove it.

Attempting to ban TW from changing rooms and toilets will do nothing to further the safety of women. Absolutely nothing. All it does is indulges a handful of bigots.
It will keep the demographic who comit most sex offences - men - away from the demographic who are mostly the victims - women.

Nice to see you back, Aurora. Hope you recovered from the absolute hammering you took last weekend ;)
I'm on holiday. I interrupted it only to laugh at you listing a load of male sex offenders and thinking it's an argument for letting men in women's spaces.

Your whole argument rests on transwomen being magically different from other men. They aren't.

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The absolute, undeniable, overwhelming majority of violence towards women takes place in a domestic setting.
That's because of opportunity and ease of access to the victim. You want to give a subset of men access that they otherwise wouldn't have.

But here's Aurora wanging on about a TW having a piss in a cubicle :laugh:
If they just want to pee they can go pee in the Men's can't they then? You keep telling us only a tiny number of people care so a trans identified man will be absolutely fine in the Men's toilets and changing rooms with you and all the other welcoming men.

It's not really just about toilets or being murdered as you know.
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Legendary Member
It's not really just about toilets or being murdered as you know.

No it's about pretended human rights - the right to feel 'extra special'. Women are just humans, like men, like children. There is no right to claim 'safe spaces' just because women want a place to gossip about men without them hearing. Public toilets are not private spaces save for the bit behind the locked door where you should be on your own without company.

Just let people pee instead of pretending you are some special snowflake with more human rights than others.
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