Gender again. Sorry!

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From 2006, You think the explosion of single parents since then has helped childhood mental illness 13% of girls whose,living with an unmarried parent.

There are over 2.94 million single parent families in the United Kingdom as of 2022, compared with over three million five years earlier in 2015. Between 1996 and 2012 the number of single parent families in the UK increased by almost 600,000, with that number falling to the amount seen in the most recent year.

Compared to the mid twentieth century the rise of single parents has been catastrophic

You could clearly argue that the increase in single parents, has been the major contributory cause of childhood mental illness.

All because parents were too casual with their relationships, no commitment, no staying power.

Don't have children if you're not prepared to be married/stay together for life
And when one of those lives is brought to an early end, then what? Not all single parent families are down to parents simply splitting.

Or the mother runs off, leaving the father holding the baby, literally, as well as the other kids.
There's not many single sex support groups, or support, for men, who now have to raise the kids on their own.

Deleted member 159

Always passing the buck, never the parents fault, there are so many childhood problems

Deleted member 159

Explain how it's the parent at fault for dying, or being killed in a hit and run.

Obviously some families are hit by bereavement but the vast majority are from relationship collapse.

Always looking at the opposite end of the argument :laugh:

quick Google search How many parents die each year, leaving dependent children? We estimate that around 26,900 parents die each year in the UK, leaving dependent children. That's one parent every 20 minutes. These estimates are averages for the last three years (2019-2021).

Have a look next time :hello:


Always passing the buck, never the parents fault, there are so many childhood problems

Nobody disputes that Andy.

What is disputed that children who happen to have a variety of problems then believe that therefore they must be trans.

In the case of a child feeling distress from being bullied due to perception by others of difference, is it that the causation of the distress is caused by the bullying , or the that gender incongruence is the response to the bullying?


Obviously some families are hit by bereavement but the vast majority are from relationship collapse.

Always looking at the opposite end of the argument :laugh:

quick Google search How many parents die each year, leaving dependent children? We estimate that around 26,900 parents die each year in the UK, leaving dependent children. That's one parent every 20 minutes. These estimates are averages for the last three years (2019-2021).

Have a look next time :hello:

This Be The Verse​

They fark you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were farked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.


Deleted member 159

In the case of a child feeling distress from being bullied due to perception by others of difference, is it that the causation of the distress is caused by the bullying , or the that gender incongruence is the response to the bullying?

Who knows, but any sane parent would not run off to the nearest gender affirming clinic. You would seek professional psychiatric help, stick with it to work through the childs issues.
Obviously some families are hit by bereavement but the vast majority are from relationship collapse.

Always looking at the opposite end of the argument :laugh:
Viewing it from the perspective of someone who attended the funeral of the wife of a friend killed in a hit and run.

Deleted member 159

Viewing it from the perspective of someone who attended the funeral of the wife of a friend killed in a hit and run.

see above statistic


Who knows, but any sane parent would not run off to the nearest gender affirming clinic. You would seek professional psychiatric help, stick with it to work through the childs issues.

That's a very loaded sentiment. You say ''who knows''. If you don't know you really should not be making these judgements.

I can tell you that I have never heard any child say that bullying turned them to be trans. However it doesn't take any imagination to realise that bullied children experience distress.

When a trans child is bullied at school, it is illogical to say that this is the distress that causes them to say that they are trans. It's an arse about face nonsense argument.
There are many problems with the Hanna Barnes statements presented by @AuroraSaab
They aren't her opinions, they are data from the Tavistock.
The list of 'comorbidities' to get it to such a high number is not just suspicious but fictious.
Tavistock data. Barnes is an award winning Newsnight journalist. Her book has just this week been nominated for an award.

For a start being 'bullied' is not a 'psychiatric comorbid condition.
You're emphasising bullying to suit your argument and ignoring all the other issues the Tavistock kids presented with.

It is rare to see such a bare faced set of lies presented as facts, a blatant distortion. I don't happen to have real data, but that doesn't prevent my eyes from witnessing the utter prejudice that lurks behind these claims.
It's Tavistock data. Take it up with them if you think the data given by Barnes is a lie.

You don't have the data, and can't be arsed to look for it, so you'll call a respected journalist prejudiced.

It is bad enough to see the casual bigotry of these claims, but to have them bigged up further in this way is a blatant abuse of data.
Tavistock's own data = casual bigotry.

This is exactly what I am seeing, one alarmist receiving such data from another, heaping exaggeration upon exaggeration with each repetition.

When a clinic's own data is presented to you all you can do is insult Hannah Barnes and 'shoot the messenger' because you have no answer to the question as to why these distressed children and young people should not receive counselling or mental health support before embarking on puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery.

You spend half your posts on here slagging off other posters as heartless yet you're the one who thinks children with a myriad of issues need no psychological support just drugs on demand.


They aren't her opinions, they are data from the Tavistock.

Tavistock data. Barnes is an award winning Newsnight journalist. Her book has just this week been nominated for an award.

You're emphasising bullying to suit your argument and ignoring all the other issues the Tavistock kids presented with.

It's Tavistock data. Take it up with them if you think the data given by Barnes is a lie.

You don't have the data, and can't be arsed to look for it, so you'll call a respected journalist prejudiced.

Tavistock's own data = casual bigotry.

When a clinic's own data is presented to you all you can do is insult Hannah Barnes and 'shoot the messenger' because you have no answer to the question as to why these distressed children and young people should not receive counselling or mental health support before embarking on puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery.

You spend half your posts on here slagging off other posters as heartless yet you're the one who thinks children with a myriad of issues need no psychological support just drugs on demand.

It's obvious hysterical bollocks. If you believe this crap then bigger fool you.
It's data. It's from the Tavistock's own records. Good job Hannah Barnes isn't on here because I think you might have libelled her a little bit.

Who to believe? Award winning Newsnight journalist whose book is meticulously researched over a number of years, and up for the Baille-Gifford prize, or random Internet poster with a huge vested interest?


It's data. It's from the Tavistock's own records. Good job Hannah Barnes isn't on here because I think you might have libelled her a little bit.

Who to believe? Award winning Newsnight journalist whose book is meticulously researched over a number of years, and up for the Baille-Gifford prize, or random Internet poster with a huge vested interest?

It's obvious drivel.

42% of referral had lost a parent through death or separation.

Implying link to causation. I could carry out of survey of children referred for tonsillectomy and find a similar number of children referred had lost a parent. It's not evidence of a causal link between infected tonsils and gender incongruence.

In the UK there are about 1.8 million single parent families raising about 3.1 million children. 42% of them are not turning trans.

A genuine researcher would not take coincidental data to declare causation - and this is what is implied. It's shabby.
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