General Election 2024....

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FPTP waters it down quite a bit too. It's quite odd that Farage continues to be such a big name in British politics so long after Brexit and after having failed to be elected so many times. He never gets to be Yesterday's Man.
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Elder Goth
I attempt to watch these things occasionally. Mogg, whilst having a pleasant demeanour follows his political line to the point of denial.
He would not be a vote asset to Reform. Farage is more watchable yet Farage is odious.

Even if he became an MP he will avoid attending parliament as much as he can. His opportunist EU stint was essentially easy money and zero attendance. His TV show would move to Clacton I guess. An easy pretence. The craving for power hopefully destroys the far right by watering it down.

Mogg has a pleasant demeanour? That's a good one. Comes across as a supercilious narcissist any time I've seen him talking. Which fortunately hasn't been that often.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
I seem to recall a couple of posters getting very heated when I said Labour were catching up with the SNP.

Well, I've got some bad news for you...

View attachment 6070
Just a shame that many of my fellow Scots feel that Scotland's future is to continue being Westminster's bitch and the resultant failed policies which will achieve nothing. :sad:

Just like in England, it isn't a consequence of anything at all that Starmer has to offer Scotland, as objectively, there isn't anything.

In England he'll succeed for little reason other than the undeniable awfulness of the Tories. In Scotland he will likely succeed because, alongside the blatant lie that Scotland must vote Labour to keep Sunak out (and save England from itself!) the entirety of the UK's Scottish media departments, and the branch offices of the British political parties are united to smear, misrepresent, undermine and downright lie about the SNP & Scottish Government.

The tactic is to tacitly refuse to acknowledge them as having been repeatedly democratically elected by Scottish voters, instead attempting to portray them as undemocratic usurpers, having somehow stolen power through nefarious means, and bent on insurrection & disruption while being ruinously, wilfully & presumably intentionally incompetent, if not criminal, with Scotland's overly generous handouts from the English treasury.

The upshot is a toxified - or Corbynised - SNP, unappealing to politically disengaged voters, who may feel they have to choose Labour in order to vote NotTheSNP, much as in England a vote for Starmer's version of Labour is a vote for NotTheTories more than anything else.

I think what the smug rUK-based Understanders Of Scottish Politics may find is that this won't actually hand Sir Starmer as many Scottish seats as they imagine - as in 2017, the SNP's losses are often the Tories' gains. Already we're hearing no-hope 'Scottish' Labour candidates in SNP/Tory marginals pushing their supporters to the Tories to 'keep the SNP out', as happened (and worked) in 2017, and which is reminiscent of the fact that all across Scotland, Labour & Tory councillors do backroom deals to exclude larger SNP groups.

Much of the above has been the case throughout the last 10 or so years of the SNP's dominance of Scottish politics - it's ramped up to quite ridiculous levels right now, and worse (think arrests, re-arrests, murder tents, criminal charges!) will come if the polls start to turn.

But don't be surprised if it's not quite the rout that's being gleefully predicted.


Legendary Member
The Spectator accusing Sunak of lying.



Legendary Member
I dunno if wrister is a typo or slang I've not heard but it's very funny!

I originally typed the familiar vernacular but was dismayed when it changed to 'self-gratification merchant', So I created that from the also familiar term 'having one off the wrist'. It kinda works.


Elder Goth
I originally typed the familiar vernacular but was dismayed when it changed to 'self-gratification merchant', So I created that from the also familiar term 'having one off the wrist'. It kinda works.

I approve and will be using it henceforth.

"You absolute wrister" has a nice ring to it, and fits into my child friendly parlance where dick is extended to dictionary.


Interesting if that is real, as Fraser Nelson isn’t known for his support of Labour.
I does seem that Sunak has deliberately misled
Sunak is too far left for the Spectator. Also there is that far right bandwagon. One that Farage also jumped on.
Sunak also annoyed a lot of Tory MPs who will now lose several months pay.
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