General Election 2024....

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Legendary Member

Yes, the delicious irony of Reform is that they have enabled the return of the most left wing parliament for many years.


Well-Known Member
This needs to be looked at as
not a vote for Labour - although that was part of it

but a f*** the Tories vote

so some Tory voters voted Labour
a lot of Tory voters voted Reform
some Labour voters voted Reform - just because

So the results are all other the place

Also - when Farage first chucked his oar into the work I read someone - a proper politcial commentator - saying that Farage has been furious with the Tories for years because the believed that he had a deal with then for some sort of quid-pro-quo after Brexit - or something
and Johnson just ignored it all once he got power

and Farage has been angry about this every since and stood this time mostly to screw up the Tories in revenge

If so - he succeeded in spades!
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Yes, the delicious irony of Reform is that they have enabled the return of the most left wing parliament for many years.
No, i thin we have to thank the Tories for that, after all the rumors and polls predicting a landslide where long before Farage announced he joined the party.
and Farage has been angry about this every since and stood this time mostly to screw up the Tories in revenge

If so - he succeeded in spades!
Cool so he can retire and fook-off again, just like he did with Ukip


Well-Known Member
Yes, the delicious irony of Reform is that they have enabled the return of the most left wing parliament for many years.

You seem to be in a minority of 1 saying its the most left wing parliament in years. Most people seem to be saying there is little between the Torys & Labour in terms of policies. Are you suggesting then that the Tories have lurched massively to the left?


Well-Known Member
And another thing

Our Nigel does seem to like a crusade
not the sort that ends up with him having to do any real work - but if it gets glory and screws the Tories and he gets all the credit and none of the problems
Then he's you man!!!

Anyway - I think we will find that he now has a new crusade


Yup - "PR is the way forward - I think it is clear to everyone that this is what the People want"

no great details about how to make it work - some muttering about a system used in some country but no details about how it would work here - or how we would transform to it without chaos
but I reckon this is his new crusade

after all - the leader of a party with only 4 seats can;t expect to be on Question Time every week

but the Leader of a "Great Crusade for the Will of the People" can expect to be on a lot more!

anyway - coming to a screen near you soon
Any word on what seats Reform would have got under PR? I've always thought FPTP tends to limit extremist influence so I'd be interested to know.

Galloway out, Farage in. Swings and roundabouts on the electing idiots front.


Well-Known Member
This needs to be looked at as
not a vote for Labour - although that was part of it

but a f*** the Tories vote


If your analysis is correct, then it would suggest to me that the Labour landslide could easily disappear as quickly in future polls. ( if there is a credible alternative)

Labour have a big job to keep the voters happy - look how much has changed in terms of seats since 2019 when Tories won an 80 seat majority and 5 years on were facing wipeout

In the meantime, the Tories need to unite, find a leader and create a credible opposition. At present, both in terms of infighting and loss of big names, they appear even more rudderless than they were in the election campaign


New Member
The planet where in the next election we are in the same position as France are now. The number of seats is an artifact of fptp, the number of votes tells a very different story.

Indeed; it seems that Labour have gained 2/3 of the seats, with just 1/3 of the votes. Some commentators say that fewer people voted Labour in this election, than they did for Jeremy Corbyn.
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Elder Goth
No, i thin we have to thank the Tories for that, after all the rumors and polls predicting a landslide where long before Farage announced he joined the party.

Cool so he can retire and fook-off again, just like he did with Ukip

He won't. Now that he's an MP, there's no chance he's going anywhere.

Well done Nigel, 8th time lucky!
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And yet, and yet, Tony Newton lost the seat in 1997 having been there since 1970.

Braintree results, predicted and actual:

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