public space might not raise privacy concerns it becomes a bit different as soon as you start iditifying poeple.
Identifying people from video captured in a public space for whatever reason, even if identified by random people is not a concern for the law in that simple sense.
@CXRAndy, he watches Charlie Veitch on Youtube, let him tell you the law as he walks about Manchester, identifying people and filming them "
without permission" and uploads often leaving it to viewers to shame, whilst strongly implying a response on the individual(s).
Shaming people may come under different laws and harassment of dog shïtters may fall under other laws if they are targeted specifically by individuals in public and then there is also defamation, which is less likely in a public space and are already convicted of dog fouling, which is why a council may not "shame" a dog shïtter captured on video in public places until after it has secured a conviction, such as fly tippers which is another blight and i see no issue in this whatsoever.
With that in mind, footage could be used as evidence in law or uploaded to social media such as Youtube, or BookFace etc. Again, this is usually done after a conviction in any case by authorities or released to the regional or national journalists who may publish it with a story.
For what you refer to is usually consigned only for those that are recorded on private property for which there in most instances is a reasonable grounds for an expectation of privacy and therefore comes under the data protection act. As a few reported case of people with doorbell CCTV have found out...
Yes but that's is a other topic of you brag about your crimes or foolish acts by publishing the video's yourself, off course law enforcement can use it. but privacy laws would not apply anyway as the person publishing the videos made a free choice to do so.
That is not always the case. Passers by film and upload and passengers can also do the same and still be charged based off of the footage. It has happened many times... The Law/CPS would prefer these idiots are captured by way of speed camera's/ANPR etc or by police because conviction is more likely, but convictions can and do happen based off of uploaded footage by the individual in question or by associates or a third party.