Israel / Palestine

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Senior Member
My selection has nothing to do with ''toxic soup'' or whatever but i really don't lose a night sleep about what you or anyone else thinks of me. Anyway i said in an earlier post just search in pallywood, so that's just what i did.(this where on off the first video's that popped up)
Yes you might come across injuries that are fake but then turned out not to be fake it is an information war,(or better said this is the information war part of the war) However if you see how many different clips there are, how consistent that are made up with the same kind off setup etc. etc. then your once link that shows otherwise doesn't prove anything at all, other than a information war that is at full swing.
If you can show the movie said like appeances are all fake news then it might be something else, but i have seen at least in two different clips a mother that storms off to her child believing(after seeing the footage) that the child is really seriously injured or death, i mean you can watch a 1000 of tricked video's those kind of responses can't be faked.
I'll take that response as an admission that you're just going to believe this crap however much evidence is produced to refute it.
You say you searched 'pallywood', try again and look at the results which refute the validity of the videos you're watching. Alternatively just consider the insult to the thousands who have died which you are perpetuating by sharing this shite. Not sure what the current death toll is, (no doubt you's deny it anyway, hamas propaganda, blah, blah blah) but surely even you could agree that there's enough dead Palestinians to make the faking of videos utterly pointless.
Over and out.
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Reading around the chip
just search in pallywood

F*ck off, Dutchie.


Elder Goth
I think about i week ago i posted quite a lot about palestinians(the one that don't want to be associated with Hamas) and somehow that get the Israel link too or just no response at all. It's almost like poeple don't want to see there is two sides or in this case rather 3 sides to the story. (i count Isreal as one side because they don't oppress opinions in the way Hamas does. No i'm not saying their ''freedom of speech'' is comparable to here, they just don't put an bullet trough your head like Hamas does, or is rumored to be doing. Considering the death don't talk and the oppressed also don't)
So yes if i would be posting about how terrible Isreal is just like the rest i would probably get more likes, but it feel wrong too, i mean i don't beleive terririst should rule the world. why should i then root for a ''palestian cause that for all of it's existence mostly piggy backs on the support of terrorist or terrorist regimes and the UN. I sincerely hope that after this war there will be a way to give both sides what they want but to paint Isreal is ruthless murderers or worse doesn't stick with me.
And yes i said before and i will say again, i'm sure more then enough palestinians do not or will not longer support Hamas if they realize they can say ''Hamas sucks without repercursions''., Partly i think we already seen that, judging by hamas words(technically those either ex-hamas, Hamas affliated etc. spokepersons) which come down to Palestinians love to martyr themselves(in a few variants), that partly didn't go according to plan, i think they expected every civilian to pick up weapons and fight similar to the siege of Ukraine in the beginning of Russia's invasion.
But it turns out after reading Isreal's flyers, they loved to live just a bit more.

I agree that similarly Isreal's approach isn't to be approached without criticism either, only on this forum i feel it's either just about comparing Isreal to Hitler himself or nothing at all.
While criticism on isreal is justified i don;t thin comparing them to mass killers is, fair.
Similarly i think that if we are then pointing fingers that the UN's role should be criticised too, and no i don't feel that is pro isreal i think that should be a general concern. As the UN has the abilty to withdraw/suspend/etc. things they supply but they didn't and the result is 200km+ of terror tunnels funded from money intended to help the same people they don't even have a bomb shelter.

My selection has nothing to do with ''toxic soup'' or whatever but i really don't lose a night sleep about what you or anyone else thinks of me. Anyway i said in an earlier post just search in pallywood, so that's just what i did.(this where on off the first video's that popped up)
Yes you might come across injuries that are fake but then turned out not to be fake it is an information war,(or better said this is the information war part of the war) However if you see how many different clips there are, how consistent that are made up with the same kind off setup etc. etc. then your once link that shows otherwise doesn't prove anything at all, other than a information war that is at full swing.
If you can show the movie said like appeances are all fake news then it might be something else, but i have seen at least in two different clips a mother that storms off to her child believing(after seeing the footage) that the child is really seriously injured or death, i mean you can watch a 1000 of tricked video's those kind of responses can't be faked.

If you actually read and understand the context you would known it's not about personal appereance(i have no idea how this person looks like so not going to cast judgement on that)
I will try it to explain in terms even you can understand, i was blamed for something said poster does all the time. hence the mirror

This isn't about likes or not seeing both sides to the story. Most posters on this thread seem perfectly capable of doing both.

I'm not traipsing through this thread looking for whatever Palestinian stuff you've posted (that wasn't from a discredited or biased source): I value what little I have left of my sanity. And as you've already said you can't be arsed to repost stuff to back up your claims so I reckon we can park that.

Your faith in some propaganda, whether it be videos or whatever else is touching, but also telling.

And on the tiresome Hitler thing, again most people seem to be framing this in terms of genocide or ethnic cleansing, which is exactly what it is. There have been plenty more proponents who have been far more effective in any case.

Deleted member 159

Captured terrorists are snitching locations of weapons, tunnels, warehouses, other hamas locations, use of civilian infrastructure.

Allowing IDF to make swift progress


Über Member
I love my city…


Deleted member 159

I've been to your city, it's an absolute dumpster.

I have a friend who is a consultant at one the hospitals, the endless sausages, druggies, piss heads mars bars muching wasters she has to try and save weekly is comical

Deleted member 121

Where's plastered rider to correct sentences when you need him, eh?


Elder Goth
I've been to your city, it's an absolute dumpster.

I have a friend who is a consultant at one the hospitals, the endless sausages, druggies, piss heads mars bars muching wasters she has to try and save weekly is comical

Have you f*ck. On both counts.

Doss c*nt.
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