Israel / Palestine

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Elder Goth
yes or like in the past, they (Hamas) will target Isreali troops with suicide bombers again.

Is this the drone thing? Which has been discredited?
yes or like in the past, they (Hamas) will target Isreali troops with suicide bombers again.

I think we'll have to wait and see whether either side are genuinely interested in this being a turning point or just going to use it as an opportunity to regroup. Israel have said it's a temporary ceasefire but I would imagine there are all sorts of negotiations going on about potential outcomes and it being a lasting one. Starts at 10am Thursday, and aid lorries already lined up ready to enter Gaza according to the BBC.
Is this the drone thing? Which has been discredited?
No, it where multiple attacks from 04-08 despite the agreement was they would stop suicide attacks as part of them getting full control of the Gaza strip. Alltough they largely stopped after ''08 it was once again Isreal keeping their part of the deal whilst Hamas ignored it at least for some time.

Deleted member 49

You are just the sort of bell that would say something moronic like 'Starmer voted to keep bombing children'.
Except it was you that's just said it....w@nker.
So some details about a hostage exchange one innocent little baby against 3 criminals.. in case anyone wants to claim it where all innocent palestinians, they weren't:


Yes and the posted of that tweet is probably pro Isreal, the list is also freely available in hebrew, feel free to pull it up and translate yourself

Oh and 15minutes after the ceasefire *rocket launches from Gaza* anyone surprised?


french journalist who seems to work for the times of Isreal.


Elder Goth
Of course there's no equivalence, not sure that anyone is or has claimed otherwise, and of course it's pro-Israel. In any case, that's not how hostage negotiations work. I wouldn't claim to be an expert, but it's never going to be possible to exchange like for like.
Of course there's no equivalence, not sure that anyone is or has claimed otherwise, and of course it's pro-Israel. In any case, that's not how hostage negotiations work. I wouldn't claim to be an expert, but it's never going to be possible to exchange like for like.
For those who claimed to don't known, leftish terrorist defenders where claiming it where all innocent Palestinians who where only arrested for being palestinians. (you known all those X accounts with a palestinian and rainbow flag who never been there and if they ever come that would be thrown off a building for being gay) As the list shows that obviously isn't true. Innocent palestinians are either killed by Hamas due to poor living conditions(while the terrorist live in mansions) killed if they dare to oppose Hamas, or killed in bombings because Hamas used UN funding to build terror tunnels, but not a single bomb shelter.. (if anyone still doubts there intentions, this is murder by design.)
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