Israel / Palestine

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How come you know so much about what life is like in Gaza under Hamas administration, dutchguy?
Well, the fact is i don't known that much, but i was following a blog website from Palestinians for sometime but sadly it disappeared and the things like Hamas stealing water pipes, resulting in many death that could and should have been prevented, overal poor living conditions of Palestinians within Gaza have been well published. It often doesn't mention the mansions of Hamas but that doesn't make it less true.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Well, the fact is i don't known that much, but i was following a blog website from Palestinians for sometime but sadly it disappeared and the things like Hamas stealing water pipes, resulting in many death that could and should have been prevented, overal poor living conditions of Palestinians within Gaza have been well published. It often doesn't mention the mansions of Hamas but that doesn't make it less true.

Unlike most others on this thread.


Elder Goth
Well, the fact is i don't known that much, but i was following a blog website from Palestinians for sometime but sadly it disappeared and the things like Hamas stealing water pipes, resulting in many death that could and should have been prevented, overal poor living conditions of Palestinians within Gaza have been well published. It often doesn't mention the mansions of Hamas but that doesn't make it less true.

Ruling classes in making themselves wealthy shocker... The exact same thing goes on around the world.
You said it.
cheap, no surprise but still cheap..
Unlike most others on this thread.
again cheap but coming from you lot not surprising.

Ruling classes in making themselves wealthy shocker... The exact same thing goes on around the world.
It's not about the ruling classes, if it was just about that we could call it a other Saudi Arabia or something However the part you ignore is that the UN supplied them with humanitarian aid, first off they stole the building materials to build terror tunnels and nt a single bomb shelter. Second off the also stole the water piper with as a direct result people are still die-ing because of poor and contaminated water. Yey the UN is yet to file a resolution to address this issue, while they where very keen to file one on Isreal.

But i hope you see the difference Ruling/upper classes making themselves wealthy vs terrorist killing their own population to fuel their own agenda and secondary creating wealth.


Senior Member
first off they stole the building materials to build terror tunnels Israel,Gershon Zippor and Benjamin Idelson.

Of course both could be true.
1. Maybe @dutchguylivingintheuk can give us a link to prove his claim (not holding my breath). Then we can conclude that Hamas aren't exactly the good guys.
2. Maybe @dutchguylivingintheuk could look at the second part and realise that his sources may not be the most trustworthy.
This'll be on @dutchguylivingintheuk and @CXRAndy Spotify playlist.

Zip forward to 2 mins and make sure you're not holding anything hot or sharp as this is a shocker.

Both sides indoctrinate their children from a young age, including in schools. It would be naive to think otherwise.

(There are better articles but this one is no pay wall). analysis revealed a complex,conflict and 3) they display

I don't find Owen Jones credible on anything, including Israel/Gaza.

Strangedly, everything he says on his You Tube channel is backed by evidence, which he shows on his channel. I've linked a few on this thread.

Try watching a few of them before commenting.
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I find him unbearable to listen to tbh. He's not a credible voice on the conflict. He made hundreds of edits to the Israel wiki page when he was a student, he was full on with Corbyn on Israel until he realised Corbyn wasn't going to win an election then did an about face and blamed Corbyn for the Left's antisemitism. He spends half his life trying to get people sacked.

Of course criticism of Israel isn't necessarily antisemitic, but it's hardly credible of him to post the video of kids singing anti Palestinian songs as some kind of gotcha when we all know Hamas are indoctrinating Palestinian kids just the same and 5 minutes of googling will find dozens of examples of leaders calling for Jews to be similarly annihilated.

Excerpt from a Hamas mandated Maths book:

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