Israel / Palestine

Page may contain affiliate links. Please see terms for details. Israel,Gershon Zippor and Benjamin Idelson.

Of course both could be true.
1. Maybe @dutchguylivingintheuk can give us a link to prove his claim (not holding my breath). Then we can conclude that Hamas aren't exactly the good guys.
2. Maybe @dutchguylivingintheuk could look at the second part and realise that his sources may not be the most trustworthy.
Trigger warning it is an Isreali source and it also tell about the support isreali's are giving (not only to) Gaza there are other sources as well, but i start with this one.
2. like i said most things i claim are covered by multiple sources but i never said Isreali's are angels. But whatever selective cuts someone who in the past months posted 20 video's about how much isreal sucks and zero about Hamas isn;t really that reliable right? or are those standards only applied to Israeli sources?
This'll be on @dutchguylivingintheuk and @CXRAndy Spotify playlist.

Zip forward to 2 mins and make sure you're not holding anything hot or sharp as this is a shocker.
I dare you to find and publish wat Hamas teaches Children.. spoiler it's worse then this.(and that's only the tip of the iceberg)


Well-Known Member
Hamas mission is to turn the world against Isreal and it seems to be working fairly well.
Bibi Netanyahu wanted Hamas in power so when the excrement hit the fan he could meet with such a response he can attempt to eradicate them which he is trying to do now. Then he can install a puppet government. The problem is he will make Hamas recruit more to their cause in a vicious circle. That’s why it’s complicated. Iran believe Isreal are an illegal state. I believe Peace can only be achieved if Iran change their stance and accept to have good relations with them. Until that day it’s a never ending war.
Good day.


Reading around the chip
Christ, what a load of utter cobblers. Anyway my thought about this thread is that there's no sense in allowing Curly, Larry and Moe to set the agenda with their preposterous mix of rancour, dishonesty, and gullibility, and they are best ignored. Best just to post other stuff that might illuminate and/or act as a counterweight to the bullshit onslaught.

This, by a writer in occupied Jerusalem, inspired by a well-known James Baldwin piece, is worth a read:


.Of course criticism of Israel isn't necessarily antisemitic, but it's hardly credible of him to post the video of kids singing anti Palestinian songs as some kind of gotcha when we all know Hamas are indoctrinating Palestinian kids just the same and 5 minutes of googling will find dozens of examples of leaders calling for Jews to be similarly annihilated.

Ah, but that is kind of the point. We never see footage of the racist extremism that exists in certain communities in Israel. But we do see constant commentary on the equivalent that exists in Palestine.

Even the language used around Palestinian prisoner release is interesting. The word 'children' is not being used, even though many of them are. Quite often detained, without charge or trial for years on the basis of nothing. Israelis victims have been "killed", Palestinian victims have "died".

The Israelis are pumping great energy into keeping people's focus in Jewish victims at the exclusion of everything, but most especially context.

Hamas are vile scum. But the truth is if a population are fenced into a prison camp, periodically bombed, frequently shot at, routinely humiliated, and offered nothing but sheer hopelessness, should we be surprised when the political movements that arise resemble Hamas?


Reading around the chip
The EU sat on the report it commissioned into Palestinian school books that I mentioned earlier but it was leaked to a few outlets. This Bild article has more details:

It would be naive to think that Hamas don't control what Palestinian children are taught in school and that the curriculum wouldn't reflect Hamas's view of Israel and of Jews.

Srsly? Is that all you've got? Did you read the link I posted above?
Srsly? Is that all you've got? Did you read the link I posted above?

The discussion at that point was about what each group teach their kids, with the contention that Hamas don't indoctrinate Palestinian children. I bet the wider socialisation of Palestinian children in Gaza isn't much different from that article link but from the opposite viewpoint.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Wikipedia has a good article on the Nakba, for those who want to know.
The central facts of the Nakba in 1948 are not disputed. During the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight, approximately 750,000 Palestinian Arabs--over 80% of the population in what would become Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees in neighboring states. Cities, towns, and villages were destroyed or depopulated. By the end of the war in 1949, Israel held about 78% of Palestine's land.


Well-Known Member
Wikipedia has a good article on the Nakba, for those who want to know.
The central facts of the Nakba in 1948 are not disputed. During the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight, approximately 750,000 Palestinian Arabs--over 80% of the population in what would become Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees in neighboring states. Cities, towns, and villages were destroyed or depopulated. By the end of the war in 1949, Israel held about 78% of Palestine's land.

People commenting on here should have already done their research on Nakba to be fair in all honesty.


Reading around the chip
The discussion at that point was about what each group teach their kids, with the contention that Hamas don't indoctrinate Palestinian children. I bet the wider socialisation of Palestinian children in Gaza isn't much different from that article link but from the opposite viewpoint.

I've read this sentence three or four times and I still can't figure out what it means.
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