Israel / Palestine

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The IDF lie and misinform constantly. Nobody mistakes Hamas for freedom fighters on here that I can see.
Hamas Lies and mispresents much more, but that isn't worthy of a mention right? If you fail to mention the failings of both parties, how do you dare to use words like ''perception'' and ''warped'' in one sentence?
It's a none starter as you just doubled down on showing your bias for pissing on idf forces. And ''nobody mistakes Hamas for freedom fighters''? Mistakes might not be the good word but there are most defialitaly lots or Hamas defenders in this topic. Often using the wrong arguments like historic upset and so on. (whilst they could potentially be an motivation to join/support their movement, if we look at Hamas actions rather then what they claim are their goals we see they are aimed at self-interest and nothing else. Otherwise you wouldn't let you population die whilst your top leadership sits comfortably in their mansions. )


Elder Goth
Again, nobody is defending Hamas on this thread. You're just making sh!te up.

Personally I think each side is as bad as the other in this particular conflict.
Again, nobody is defending Hamas on this thread. You're just making sh!te up.
I disagree with you and i don't see if you really read the whole topic you don't see it, but everyone has the right this their opinion, i just conclude that on this matter we clearly disagree.
Personally I think each side is as bad as the other in this particular conflict.
If you mean the hate from both sides might be just as much particularly on the military, yes i can agree with you on that. In terms of more general no i absolutely don't agree, whilst Isreal has it's wrongs it still relatively safe, it's inhabitants don't have to drink dirty water because the terrorist use the clean water pipes to makes rockets etc. etc. opposed to Hamas that terrorises the civilians in Gaza, steals aid supplies all the while they live in mansions.

Which of the twenty or so contributors to this thread fall into that category, in your opinion?
if you read the topic you would have already known, there are a few who specvialise in justifying everything Hamas does collectively called ''you lot'' since Hamas specialises mainly in die-ing these days they have become somewhat qiuet, also because just like denying the holocaust is only fun, when the few survivors interupt you with their views, so it is also not so fun for those denying/questioning the rape allegations being confronted with evidence it was so much worse as described after 7-10.

I suspect most of the Hamas casualty figures is the deaths of their fighters
Considering the cowards almost without exception fight in civilian clothes, it's indeed very likely many of them are counted as ''civilians deaths''

The Palestinian civilian death toll eclipses any other.

That's the real tragedy in this conflict.

And it's not just Hamas using them as human shields, air strikes and ground offensives by Israel have targeted refugee camps.
The real tragedy is that Hamas was allowed to exist in this form for such a long time, the sad reality is they didn't start killing Gazan's after 7-10 it's going on for years since their f*cking self-rule or in fact semi self rule off Gaza. It was Made worse by the UN which is completely overrun by Hamas.(and therefore a group of very usefull idiots for them)
And yes also Helped by Isreal because Netanyahu thought it was an good idea to ''divide and conquer'' and help Hamas fark-up the plo in the West bank.

You forgot to mention all those false flag operations by Hamas or all those rockets that fail to fire. (no wonder all copies off Russian ones when the original isn't really known for it's great reliabilty

But now claiming it's all so bad is a bit too late, it has been hell for anyone living there for years.


Senior Member
I'm sort of wondering what it's like to be licked by a cow in a good way.
Try everything once, except incest and folk dancing.


I'm sort of wondering what it's like to be licked by a cow in a good way.

But on balance please keep your bovine fetishes to yourself and have a happy moo year.

Time of posting and date is relevant :laugh:

...and, of course, you asked yourself the question I intended. But it's your mind that thought the thoughts and not mine

Happy New Year 😆


Elder Goth
If there are ‘lots’ of them, why be so coy all of a sudden.

I have read the thread and not seen any, which is why I asked you for examples.

Cue: "I'm not going to go back and find examples for you" or "It's obvious" or some other non-answer cop out before moving on to something random and only vaguely related.
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Reading around the chip
I'm sort of wondering what it's like to be licked by a cow in a good way.

But on balance please keep your bovine fetishes to yourself and have a happy moo year.

I was set up by a farmer friend of mine in Pembrokeshire once. She said "Claud, come and help me feed the cows", and we got on the tractor and rattled out to what to looked like an empty field, with trees around the edge. She said "I'll do the silage, you do the treacle", and handed me a flagon of molasses to fill a container with a ball valve in the middle of a field. Still no sign of cows. She clambered on top of the bales at the top of the hill, and I ambled off to the container with my sugary cargo. Not a cow in sight.

The ambush came the second I unscrewed the cap of the treacle flagon, heralded only by an abrupt bovine chorus from the tree-line on all sides. Macbeth must have felt similar at Dunsinane when Macduff's army finally dropped their boughs. Cows were upon me, from all directions, excitable, advancing at speed. My friend was still atop the bales, clutching her sides and rolling around with glee. The hordes had only sugar on their tiny minds, and I had the sugar. I was being nudged. Bigly. My only option was to pour.

Cows have very rough tongues.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
I'm sort of wondering what it's like to be licked by a cow in a good way.

But on balance please keep your bovine fetishes to yourself and have a happy moo year.

You never wondered how Sir Starmer's hair ended up looking like that?

Reading a Dutchie post is like being licked by a cow. But in a bad way.

Except you can't just scroll past a licky coo.
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