Israel / Palestine

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6th Feb 2024: The Biden administration has received positive feedback that Saudi Arabia and Israel are willing to continue to have normalization discussions, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Tuesday.

7th Feb 2024: Saudi Arabia: The White House is telling porkies.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Shock/horror, major power bullshoots to big up its actions and influence....even the US.

Technically speaking both this...
"At the same time, we were, before the 7th of October, and are still now having discussions with our counterparts in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia — obviously, the two key ones — about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
So those discussions are ongoing as well. We certainly received positive feedback from both sides that they’re willing to continue to have those discussions."
And this...
"the Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the US administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognised etc......"
Could have been spoken by politicians wanting to make a point for home consumption.

I understand there were some indications of progress before October 7th, but clearly that day's actions and Israel's cynical and barbaric over-reaction have scuppered any hopes of progress...something I believe could have been part of Hamas's thinking with October 7th.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Shock/horror, major power bullshoots to big up its actions and influence.

Technically speaking both this...
"At the same time, we were, before the 7th of October, and are still now having discussions with our counterparts in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia — obviously, the two key ones — about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
So those discussions are ongoing as well. We certainly received positive feedback from both sides that they’re willing to continue to have those discussions."
And this...
"the Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the US administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognised etc......"
Could have been spoken by politicians wanting to make a point for home consumption.

I understand there were some indications of progress before October 7th, but clearly that day's actions and Israel's cynical and barbaric over-reaction have scuppered any hopes of progress...something I believe could have been part of Hamas's thinking with October 7th.

I share that view.

Deleted member 159

reported in the Telegrapgh

Who'd have thought it, the UK countryside is racist, suggests Wildlife and Countryside Link, a charity umbrella group whose members include the RSPCA, WWF and National Trust

The country’s green spaces are governed by “white British cultural values”, the report argues, and the perception that the countryside is a “white space” prevents people from other ethnic backgrounds from enjoying the outdoors.

A poster replied

"The country’s green spaces are governed by “white British cultural values”,

As someone who lives in the countryside I can confirm this is true, we avoid doing things like throwing acid over women who upset us, grooming children for our depravities, cutting teachers heads off, or bombing children at pop concerts. Stuff like that generally, shame on us"

another poster

The country’s green spaces are governed by “white British cultural values”, Eh? If by "white" they mean "indigenous" (because the countryside is still where you'll find the majority of indigenous British descendants) then so what? I am frightened of visiting my own capital city because I feel unwelcome and unsafe there because London (and other big cities) are governed by “black cultural values”, The difference is, I was there first. I now know how the Native Americans must have felt!
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As someone who lives in the countryside I can confirm this is true, we avoid doing things like throwing acid over women who upset us, grooming children for our depravities, cutting teachers heads off, or bombing children at pop concerts. Stuff like that generally, shame on us

Good that the Telegraph goes on to cite racist commentary though.
You're an absolute fool. If only i could transfer my title of "Pillock" to you, i would happily donate it...
i'm happy with whatever is under my name now thank you.. ''pillock'' suits you far batter too, so i suggest you keep it.

Nobody as far as i am concerned should stand in the way of people condemning invasion and subsequent genocide anywhere they are able to publish that condemnation.
I don't say people are not allowed to condem whatever they feel they need to however i do say it's kind of weird if you go above and beyond to take everything at face value which are claimed as Isreal's crimes but do not have the same standards for Hamas, an organsation that during it's ''Rule'' of gaza only has caused terror, death, destruction and a flourishing drugs trade.(''rule'' between quotation marks because it's kind of pick and mix, when questioned for example about the lack of bomb shelters, Hamas says the saferty of ''Gazan's'' it the responsibility of the UNRWA and Isreal. and on paper Gaza is ruled by the PLA but only on paper)
It's not because hamas crimes in the pas 10/20 years are less published about that it makes them less terrible. Which is also witnessed by the amount of video's there are with normal Gazan's thanking the idf and asking them to stay, surely a large part of it is also propaganda but there are if many in so much different forms that you can't all call it that anymore.

Moreover, how many threads did you create condemning Hamas of this so called genocide? ZERO... When you are called out on your búllshit, you say that everyone that is calling you out is a Hamas supporter. I've had more intelligent, reasoned arguments with a 5 year old and that is not an insult, but 100% a fact...
You are best of my knowledge the first who speaks of Hamas and Genocide, not that they wouldn't have killed everyone in Isreal if they got the chance, but they didn't, so it would be, would be genocidally tunnel rats who starve malnutrition and use their ''own'' population, still surprised that there are so many Gazan's on camera prefering idf over Hamas? or doesn't that suit you narrative?
I don't call everyone an Hamas supported just those who act like it, i don't care if you like it because spoiler my life does not resolve around you.

How can you compare 36 white children to an amorphous mass of future towelheads, have you no decency?
How did you come with that oddly specific number and are so focussed on their etnicity? It's not that Hamas cared, yes they did enjoy killing jews, but they killed all colors and ethnicities and religions of the rainbow during their attacks.

You are right. What drives all of this is racism. Zionism is, by definition, a racist colonial enterprise, and the zionists have been very successful in portraying themselves as victims and the people they have oppressed for 70 years as the perpetrators. Its the ultimate DARVO.
An mein kampf quote, with the only difference you replaced judism with zionism. true colors and such..
Whilst there is some truth in zionism as a movement you also have to take into consideration that not every jew or isreali supports zionism, yet those behind the zionism movement claim every single ''succes'' as a result of their campaing/strife however you wanna call it. In a way that particular movement isn't any better than Hamas or any other terrorist organisation it's just a bit different, as in left wing lunatics blames everyone being slightly jewish as being a zionist, some right wings does the same and the zionist movement ont itself is good in creating an image of being supported by ''insert random name here''(Nethanyahu is often mentioned for example) whilst evidence of such remains either not there or extremely vague.

Well, whodathunk it. ISISRAEL lied about UNRWA.
WOW what an DAMMING evidence... A screenshot that claims absolutely nothing, other than that channel4 said that according to you, in the first pages, BBC, AP, CNN. all the big news media claimed Isreal bombed a Hospital that killed 500 if you look up the wikipedia page about that attack(it under my previous post you know after you kept on saying i didn't provide any evidence that is evidence from an independt source) it now says the source is unclear and victims count ranges from 10-300 depending on your propaganda of choice.

Further i did find that channel4 documentary you claim to cite, as a surprise to absolutely no one, if anyone is lying it's you, like a cookiemonster you read Isreal and anything negative and stopped thinking and such spread BS. From the actual article you can read Channel4 hasn't seen the 6 pages (they claim Sky did)but according too ''UNRWA Director of Communications Juliette Touma'' it's all untrue no not even that ''there is no evidence'' just as their is no evidence of them supplying Hamas unless you ask locals.. You know the people actually enduring the suffering., But you don't really care about those people, do ya? They just stand in the way of your BS
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Well, whodathunk it. ISISRAEL lied about UNRWA.

Sadly, people on the whole would rather continue to believe lies than accept they have been fooled...

Here you go again with this vague tripe.

Who supports Hamas here? Come on, name them.
Everyone liking the two post linked above, because every single one of them are in the front of the line to condem anything pro-isreal as propaganda yet anything anti isreal they take without the slightest questioning off evidence and if you look at their posting history it's not like they don't known, except for @cookiemonster or @multitool maybe. they are just so drowned in hatred. Hell Multitool even cites Mein kampf in a slightly tweaked way.


Elder Goth
Everyone liking the two post linked above, because every single one of them are in the front of the line to condem anything pro-isreal as propaganda yet anything anti isreal they take without the slightest questioning off evidence and if you look at their posting history it's not like they don't known, except for @cookiemonster or @multitool maybe. they are just so drowned in hatred. Hell Multitool even cites Mein kampf in a slightly tweaked way.

Have you read Mein Kampf?

Are you prepared to actually post any of your evidence? Because you make some wild accusations.
Everyone liking the two post linked above, because every single one of them are in the front of the line to condem anything pro-isreal as propaganda yet anything anti isreal they take without the slightest questioning off evidence and if you look at their posting history it's not like they don't known, except for @cookiemonster or @multitool maybe. they are just so drowned in hatred. Hell Multitool even cites Mein kampf in a slightly tweaked way.

What hate? Do provide evidence of that?

In my 16+ years of being on this forum, I can say for sure that I have never encouraged hate against anyone.

So, do us all a favour and tell the voices in your head to STFU. And that is not hate, just a request.
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