Israel / Palestine

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It is being reported that Hamas fighters attacking the festival goers were dressed as Israeli soldiers and police officers. That is explicitly a War Crime in international law.


It is being reported that Hamas fighters attacking the festival goers were dressed as Israeli soldiers and police officers. That is explicitly a War Crime in international law.

Yeah, err....
It is being reported that Hamas fighters attacking the festival goers were dressed as Israeli soldiers and police officers. That is explicitly a War Crime in international law.
Jup but terrorist don't respect international laws. they don't even respect their won population, like they said, Isreali's love live, Palestians love to ''matyr'' themselves.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis


Jup but terrorist don't respect international laws. they don't even respect their won population, like they said, Isreali's love live, Palestians love to ''matyr'' themselves.
That accounts very neatly for the proliferation of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.
(Heavily subsidised by the USA, the origin of many, probably most, of the illegal "settlers").
That accounts very neatly for the proliferation of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.
(Heavily subsidised by the USA, the origin of many, probably most, of the illegal "settlers").
i'm talking about those killing babies and whole families and shouting(in this case) alluha akbar, not about the twist/manipulation you use to justify terrorist, there is enough wrong with Isreal but in a topic about aggression against them on such a massive scale, to make a tiresome moot point that doesn't hold any water. First off Jews where clear about their goal to start their own state, they bought the properties in those area's, both during Ottoman and British rule. It was the existing population that didn't like them, similar as boat crossing immigrants are not liked by some here with the difference that Jews didn't rely on government handsouts. (just on their own police force at some point.
Also do you really think it would be any different if it wasn't called Isreal but just Palestine? Off crouse not, it would be the same as now just attack from palestine on pallestine like it was before isreal was founded and is why there are 3 religion shrines in Jerusalem. Isreal arab-palestinian war did not start with the fouding of Isreal it was and attempt to create some kind of sae heaven. and it worked mostly. If the Arabs finally choose leaders that actually care about them maybe they can give peace a chance.
If the Arabs finally choose leaders that actually care about them maybe they can give peace a chance.

To be fair, nobody elected Hamas. Like the IRA they in effect rule the area through fear and intimidation. It's not really in their interests to come to a negotiated settlement because it would make them redundant and skint.
didn't pay attention during history lessons?
Ottoman land-purchase regulations were invoked following local complaints in opposition to increasing immigration. Ottoman policy makers in the late 19th century were apprehensive of the increased Russian and European influence in the region, partly as a result of a large immigration wave from the Russian Empire. The Ottoman authorities feared the loyalty of the new immigrants not so much because of their Jewishness but because of concern that their loyalty was primarily to their country of origin, Russia, with whom the Ottoman Empire had a long history of conflicts: immigrant loyalty to Russia might ultimately undermine Turkish control in the region of Palestine. This concern was fomented by the example seen in the dismantling of Ottoman authority in the Balkan region. European immigration was also considered by local residents to be a threat to the cultural make-up of the region.[13] The regional significance of the anti-Jewish riots (pogroms) in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and anti-immigration legislation being enacted in Europe was that Jewish immigration waves began arriving in Palestine (see First Aliyah and Second Aliyah).[14] As a result of the extent of the various Zionist enterprises which started becoming apparent,[13] the Arab population in the Palestine region began protesting against the acquisition of lands by the Jewish population
and a bit later:
As a result of a mutual defense treaty that the Ottoman Empire made with Germany, during World War I the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers opposed to Great Britain and France. The possibility of releasing Palestine from the control of the Ottoman Empire led the new Jewish population and the Arab population in Palestine to support the alignment of the United Kingdom, France, and Russia during World War I. In 1915, the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence was formed as an agreement with Arab leaders to grant sovereignty to Arab lands under Ottoman control to form an Arab state in exchange for the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottomans. However, the Balfour Declaration in 1917 proposed to "favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, but that nothing should be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." In 1916, the Anglo-French Sykes–Picot Agreement allocated to the British Empire the area of present-day Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, and the area of present-day Iraq. The Balfour Declaration was seen by Jewish nationalists as the cornerstone of a future Jewish homeland on both sides of the Jordan River, but increased the concerns of the Arab population in the Palestine region.

so history lessons redone, now happy?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Palestine Wikipedia page getting plenty of hits these last few days.

To be fair, nobody elected Hamas. Like the IRA they in effect rule the area through fear and intimidation. It's not really in their interests to come to a negotiated settlement because it would make them redundant and skint.
Well Isreal's goal is to remove Hamas from power, let's see if the remaining Palestinians indeed want peace or like the Hamas person said ''love to be martyed'' and will help a other Hamas like organisation in power after they are deafeted.


Elder Goth
didn't pay attention during history lessons?

and a bit later:


so history lessons redone, now happy?

My history is fine, thanks. I just can't make much sense of what you write, though I appreciate English isn't your first language.

Whatever, I'll go back to not even bothering to try as it barely seems worth it.


To be fair, nobody elected Hamas. Like the IRA they in effect rule the area through fear and intimidation. It's not really in their interests to come to a negotiated settlement because it would make them redundant and skint.

Are you sure? They won the 2006 election
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