No the ability of the Israelis systems far out ways the capabilities of any of it's enemies, unfortunately unlike the Ukrainians who are facing a world superpower.No my claim is like i wrote the power of numbers is how they are over-run in Ukraine. Alltough Isreals defence capabilties are indeed far more advanced then Ukraine's the system can still be overloaded, if you have a very simply said if you have a Patriot battery with 10 missiles then Ukraine has a problem if 13 missiles are fired in the time the patriot needs to reload. Isreal has a developed a additional system that detects the intended target/location it's going to hit, then can also identify if said target is a non-important field of empty land or a civilian/goverment/public building and then can decide whter to take the rocket down or not. they also have not 3 patriot batteries for the whole country(like Ukraine currently as far as i known) but quite a bit more and also some variations and other type of systems so long before impact their air defence system has decided *if* it needs to be taken down *when and where* it's going to be taken down *and* which air defence system is going to be used.
Whilst Ukraine system is indeed by far less efficient than Isreal's system still the principle of ''beating'' / compromising it remain the same, fireing more rockets then the systems can handle. Nobody exactly knowns what Isreals capacity is, but it can still be overflown just as Ukraine's or any other system.