Israel / Palestine

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I meant you.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
If only there was a way to accurately assess the relative justification of evil deeds.

What Unit of Measure to use I wonder?
Okay. Perhaps turn it around and ask how disproportionate is Hamas's response to decades of harassment, humiliation, dispossession, and killing.

You don't rape and massacre your way to freedom.

Decades of 'harassment, humiliation, dispossession, and killing' could have been brought to a negotiated end if those running Gaza over the last 60 years had been prepared to accept a 2 state solution on the 4 or so times it was suggested. However, Hamas need conflict otherwise they have no power. October the 7th was never intended as a response to decades of injustice but to stop Saudi and Israel normalising relations.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Except that Israel has consistently foiled any resolution by last minute additional demands. Also there's Netanyahu boasting that they kept Hamas in power in order to have a reason for not negotiating (on the grounds that there was no undisputed Palestinian authority to deal with). Israel doesn't want, has never actually wanted a two-state solution.
Netanyahu has never wanted a 2 state solution but there were earlier opportunities in which Israel did support a 2 state solution. And now there's a no-state-left solution being imposed more as every week passes.
You could say the same of the Palestinian side. Moot point again though as neither side are now interested in anything that might even approach living alongside each other in any form of normalcy.
Okay. Perhaps turn it around and ask how disproportionate is Hamas's response to decades of harassment, humiliation, dispossession, and killing.
It would be more approportionate to ask that the people accused off being gay murdered by Hamas, the people who didn't agree with Hamas an thus also being murdered, but they can't really say anything back do they? They just created a soceity where being an ''Hamas warrior'' created an preferable position for you and your family, alltough the ultimate achievement is to see your children die and take some innocent isreali's with them.
Whilst their leaders live in securly in mansion in Qatar.. Until Iran claimed their ''terminated'' all Israeli intelligence and Isreal took at one of those to both facepalm Iran and show Hamas leadership that they are death men walking..

But yes lets call Hamas a response to Isreal sure mate..
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