Israel / Palestine

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Reading around the chip
Is it coincidental that once again attacks on* the state Israel occur at or around a Jewish Holiday Period?

Oh no. Perhaps they should have thought about these unfortunate timings before doing all the genocide and invasion.

Ian H

Legendary Member
I decided this wasn't appropriate in the jokes thread. Dark enough humour for here though -you could swap Starmer's head for another Western leader to make the same point.


Well-Known Member
Oh no. Perhaps they should have thought about these unfortunate timings before doing all the genocide and invasion.
Because of course Hammas didn't attack Israel and deliberately kill civilians last October and Hesbollah and their Iranian backers have never launched rockets indiscriminately into Israel targetting civilians
its not as is say Hammas or other Arab grou[ps openly cite they want to remove Israel from the map.

Its such a one sided situation isn't it when you ignore the actions of one side in this dispute. Unless and until people are honest enough to see that one side is not all fluffy kittens and cuddly and the other side are not, then sadly disputes continue


Über Member
Its such a one sided situation isn't it when you ignore the actions of one side in this dispute

There’s definitely an ignoring of the actions of one side, that’s for sure.

Iran struck five military targets in Israel, destroying an airfield and several F-35 jets, and killing zero civilians.

Israel subsequently bombed an orphanage in Gaza, killing numerous children and other civilians.


Reading around the chip
Because of course Hammas didn't attack Israel and deliberately kill civilians last October and Hesbollah and their Iranian backers have never launched rockets indiscriminately into Israel targetting civilians
its not as is say Hammas or other Arab grou[ps openly cite they want to remove Israel from the map.

Its such a one sided situation isn't it when you ignore the actions of one side in this dispute. Unless and until people are honest enough to see that one side is not all fluffy kittens and cuddly and the other side are not, then sadly disputes continue

Change the fucking record, Spen. We've all had a whole year of watching devastated humans pulling pieces of what were once their children out of the rubble that once was their home. We are not going to forget what we have seen. Only psychos, morons, and people who have sold their soul are still "standing with Israel". Israel is a lost cause - go ahead and yoke yourself to it if you are happy to be dragged into the abyss...


Elder Goth
IDF = Infant Death Force

Oooft. Dark, but accurate.

Cue the usual suspects coming along with "but Hamas/Hezbollah commit atrocities too!"

We know. And nobody is happy about that either.

My mind was wondering last night and got to the conflict. Obviously hypothetical, but if everyone backing the various sides was to pull out and let them crack on, where would things end up? I reckon it'd be a Troy style siege scenario, with Israel battening down the hatches and hoping whatever munitions they had left would see them out before their opponents got bored and started on each other.

Either that or they go gung-ho with said munitions and try to wipe everyone out, but I don't think that would end well for them.


Oooft. Dark, but accurate.

Cue the usual suspects coming along with "but Hamas/Hezbollah commit atrocities too!"

We know. And nobody is happy about that either.

My mind was wondering last night and got to the conflict. Obviously hypothetical, but if everyone backing the various sides was to pull out and let them crack on, where would things end up? I reckon it'd be a Troy style siege scenario, with Israel battening down the hatches and hoping whatever munitions they had left would see them out before their opponents got bored and started on each other.

Either that or they go gung-ho with said munitions and try to wipe everyone out, but I don't think that would end well for them.

Tricky. Are you assuming that their "opponents" also have limited munitions?

It might pivot on how long it takes Iran to build a working nuke, as without that, Israel can just lob a nuke every-now-and-then to keep everyone in their place.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Tricky. Are you assuming that their "opponents" also have limited munitions?

It might pivot on how long it takes Iran to build a working nuke, as without that, Israel can just lob a nuke every-now-and-then to keep everyone in their place.

A while back I'd have said the Americans would veto the use of nuclear weapons. Now I'm not nearly so sure.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Oooft. Dark, but accurate.

Cue the usual suspects coming along with "but Hamas/Hezbollah commit atrocities too!"

We know. And nobody is happy about that either.

My mind was wondering last night and got to the conflict. Obviously hypothetical, but if everyone backing the various sides was to pull out and let them crack on, where would things end up? I reckon it'd be a Troy style siege scenario, with Israel battening down the hatches and hoping whatever munitions they had left would see them out before their opponents got bored and started on each other.

Either that or they go gung-ho with said munitions and try to wipe everyone out, but I don't think that would end well for them.

I think it depends just exactly what you mean by "backing the various sides".

If "the West" stopped backing/supplying weapons/intelligence/etc to Israel, and, who ever is "backing" Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthies/etc stopped their backing in similar way, my gut feeling is that it would degenerate into an ongoing conflict with the Israelis "winning" initially, but, eventually, Israel and neighbouring countries would just become a hellhole collection of failed states.

But, we all know that is not going to happen, too many vested interests for the "backers" to stop feeding the monster.

Ultimately, there will have to be some form of Political Settlement, or, alternatively, sooner or later, some miss-calculation will occur and there will be a nuclear exchange, or, a release of deadly toxin. My money is on the latter (sadly).


Elder Goth
Essentially that's what I think would happen too.

I feel the same about international conflict in general. There's always been a bit of an "ah sh!t, what if they get involved?" deterrent, which has mostly stopped us as a species completely annihilating ourselves.
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